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Not enough moves!!

Sakicat Posts: 12

Level 2

hello everyone! I looked online and saw that for level 7915, other players online get more thantwice the number of moves I have for this level! How is it that others get 29 moves and I only get 13? It is truly impossible to complete this level with the amount of moves given and I find it unfair that others have double the advantage. Please advise or add more moves! Why would something like this happen? Thanks for your assistance!!


  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,123

    Hello @Sakicat🤗 A Warm Welcome to the King Community!

    Is the level marked as "Legendary" now? That would be one of the reasons for your level to have very less moves!

    I checked on YouTube! Few videos I watched has 30 moves or so! But, all those were created 2 to 3 years ago! When you try to watch the videos on YouTube, please look for the latest videos as those will be closer to your current goals & moves.

    Can you please post a screenshot of your level - after you click on Play and open the game board?

    To reply back, please type below. To post the screenshot, tap on the 2nd icon located in the bottom left corner of the comment box🍫🍫

  • Sakicat
    Sakicat Posts: 12

    Level 2

    Yes, that is what happened unfortunately. I knew with the new surveys coming out last year that more money was going to be required to play and I see this is how, with impossible levels that take away the fun. I would pay now and then if I had more disposable income but since I don’t, candy crush may end up getting deleted. Oh well, it is a nice way to pass some time for a while. Thank you for taking the time to respond and provide clarity!

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,076

    Hello @PummyRaj. As @Sakicat has sensibly decided to quit I will provide the screenshot here for you.

    I have given this one just one attempt, it's not deserving of more! Of course I got nowhere near getting the candy cake, because there isn't even a striped candy dispenser here to work with. Only a party popper will do.

    This is the third level this week that I have come across below level 10,000 that has been nerfed to become impossible to pass. I am sick of it and so should you be. There in nothing left for me to suggest to these players but to give up!!!! Perhaps we should all just quit, we're all volunteers, after all. Family comes first. This game is not worth any of our time any more.

  • Sakicat
    Sakicat Posts: 12

    Level 2

    thank you for your support and comments! I’m glad I’m tot alone in my frustration over these changes. It says my account is since 2020 but I’ve really been playing this game since at least 2010. Such a long time to enjoy something and for it to be changed like this is CRUSHing literally! but I get it, profits win out over people every time.

  • bstokes
    bstokes Posts: 1

    Level 1

    Same here. 14 moves. Impossible. Have been playing for 10 years. It was fun while it lasted.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?