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Survey Players With 'Test' Features

Peaches12 Posts: 307
edited August 2024 in Discussions

Since King seems to use players to test new features, it would be nice if they sent an in game survey to players in the test group to find out how all players, and not just community members feel about the feature. It goes without saying that someone at King should actually read these surveys and take them into consideration when designing and changing features.


  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 16,618

    Hi @Peaches12 King do not survey their test features as for the most part their tests aren't actually tests in the manner that most people would consider a test.

    When King releases a new feature they monitor its effect by watching how the new feature affects the game play of players, so they have no need to survey their players.

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,029

    Are you sure they don't just run this one test over and over: Do players with the feature spend more money on the game than players without it or with a different feature? I would not be surprised if that were the only criteria they ever use to judge if any test feature should be either rolled out to all players or abandoned. King don't need player feedback for that, just a computer programme as they gather all the data needed to work this out.

    Whenever we do give feedback, the more positive it is, the more likely King seem to then change the event or feature in question.

  • Peaches12
    Peaches12 Posts: 307

    Wow, I just posted this in ideas thinking I could make my gripe and no one would ever see it. I don't really expect King to even see it. But how do like the new way of sending lives or does the speed up button make the game better or how do you feel about removing the opt out button on Candy Royal might give them a better picture of how it is working for the test group and not just those that come here to complain.

    I know that most of the tests aren't really tests in the true sense of the word.

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,029

    I wish they would run a survey on the "Help a friend" test feature! That feature is just so confusing and unhelpful, I wish they would get rid of it or make some major changes to it!

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?