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Top That started then disappeared! (Edited by CM: Coming back today 21st of August)



  • Aries2020
    Aries2020 Posts: 330
    edited August 2024

    It's not so much an investment to win, but more for me. I really enjoy playing it every week, it's my favorite event aside from Candy Royal and it disappeared from both devices. And on my Android, it was part of the mastery season badge thing, so not only did I lose an entire day's worth of progress, but the mastery thing is gone too and I already got as far as the silver chest. This is pathetic. King has become completely full of bugs and glitches in the last few months and we all keep losing money and boosters and lots of time.

  • Bruh194
    Bruh194 Posts: 92

    Level 3

    I don’t have Top that or season mastery. It’s unfortunate but I hope it appears soon in my game.

  • Aries2020
    Aries2020 Posts: 330

    What time zone issue?? If our devices are set to automatic date, time and time zone, what possible issue could have caused this? Daylight savings isn't changing for another few months. So how can this be a time zone issue? King is ridiculous.

  • Aries2020
    Aries2020 Posts: 330

    I had it yesterday from the beginning like every Monday, then this morning it disappeared from both my devices. And they say time zone issue. What possible time zone update is happening right now? Daylight savings isn't changing for a few months. So how can it be a time zone issue? Their excuses are ridiculous. I also had Monday milestones last night, and then 30 min later, it disappeared and Top That appeared. Monday Milestones stoll 5 plus hours on the clock. Lately the entire game is nothing but bugs and glitches and King could care less.

  • Aries2020
    Aries2020 Posts: 330

    I have tried on both devices from which it disappeared this morning and nothing. I restated my IPad and it's till not there.

  • Aries2020
    Aries2020 Posts: 330

    My top that was part of season mastery and now both are gone.

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,163
    edited August 2024

    I agree with you on that. At the moment I have no events except the daily/weekly ones. There have been a lot more glitches in the past few months and we cannot trust any event to remain in our games! When I last had Season Mastery several weeks ago I won every single event that awarded points but the event disappeared before any of us could get past the silver chest and it has not reappeared in my game. I really don't think the game is value for money (if you spend any) at the moment! That is why I would not recommend spending anything. Every time we near the end of Candy Royale we have to fear that the game will hang up on us and freeze! They need to sort all these problems out.

  • BossKing
    BossKing Posts: 692

    Hello there, i can understand your frustratation but this is what sometimes happened due to some internet stability issues. As you already have raised this issue i am sure the community manager will look into these matters and try to solve them to avoid any further caused in future.

  • Aries2020
    Aries2020 Posts: 330

    It started on both devices yesterday as usual and this morning it disappeared from both devices and still hasn't shown up again. It's gone. Restarting the device and the game did NOT help. It never helps. Not once. And I am not logging out of my game because I will immediately lose all my progress when I log back in. This hasn't ever workes for me. Not once. Logging out and logging back in means ALWAYS losing months of progress and being taken back to level 1. So to answer all your questions, I've tried restarting the game all day, 10 times on all devices and Top That has NOT returned. Please fix this issue ASAP. This is totally unacceptable. King is all bugs and glitches since June. Thanks.

  • Aries2020
    Aries2020 Posts: 330

    Same here! Top That was part of Season Mastery yesterday. Today it disappeared, but Season Mastery came back a few hours ago by itself which is useless bc Top That was the only participating event. Ridiculous.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?