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Don't we all love a warm-up collection! Testing time....

christinewupp Posts: 8,370 Legend

Just testing if the bot will allow my thread first of all…


  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 8,370 Legend

    Lovely, all set to go. Yes, I love a warm up collection that allows old levels to collect prizes. It is the only event I know of that will give a count per candy of a certain colour (in this case orange). The leaderboard events like the Gold Club I'm currently playing won't give our score any more, and the chocolate box you'd have to note down your score after every level, which is quite cumbersome. So yes, I love warm up collections. They are so informative! The prize is a bit rubbish, but who cares. I can play get through a few chocolate boxes and earn gold that way. Findings to follow…..

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 8,370 Legend

    By the way, I love that line in QueenB's thread about the Music Season event:

    • Have an account which is in good standing with King with no undisclosed  account violations

    Now that one is new to competitions! I wonder if it's a practice event for All Stars 2025. I guess some of you (not to mention any names…) might not get this event because of this clause, but it's not too late to open a new account ready for the Big One next year if you find you are on King's naughty list.

    I hope my account is in good standing. It should be. The only thing that may be classed as an "account violation" would be that I also have one other account at the rainbow end, but that fact is definitely NOT undisclosed.

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 8,370 Legend

    Aim of what I am trying to find out:

    1.Which level yields more orange candies per time period, level 1000 (four colours 9x9) or my favourite go-to with 3 colours?

    2. What is the maximum I can score in a 10 minute time slot?

    3. What is the maximum score the game will allow per level and does this change with strategy? Does not skipping animations make any difference?


    Using iPad running on iOS 17.6.1

    Swiping as fast as I can


    On my favourite 3 colour level the game will always self terminate with many moves to spare. I played the level 20 times noting down my score.

    • scores ranged from 210 to 369 orange using my usual game play
    • when following the recommended moves scores were 180-200 (not many attempts made though)
    • strategy seemed to make no difference, either just hit as many candies as you can, try to create colour bombs and hit those into any colour or try to play to create special candies, I also tried to draw the level out by making stupid moves to avoid self termination early, it made no difference
    • waiting to let the end sequence play out made no difference to the score, so for speed it's better to press "skip as soon as it is available
    • level 1000 will always score about 450-480 due to the order for this level

    I set the timer for 10 minutes. Played the same level over and over using double arrow speed and skipping through all the animations as quickly as possible

    • my favourite 3 colour level I scored 3421 in just over 10 minutes, completing the level I had started
    • I repeated the same and scored 3290 in just over 10 minutes, completing the level I had started
    • for level 1000 I scored 2851 in just over 10 minutes, completing the level I had started

    I would love to hear from anyone who can score significantly more than this. Is playing on a PC faster?

    Has the game now been designed to give a maximum score per hour? I wonder if this means that King will eliminate any player from major leaderboard competitions for "cheating" if they exceed this possible highest score.

  • HugoDoogo
    HugoDoogo Posts: 8 Level 2

    Interesting it would be smart if they capped it.

    Also I guess this means a new Adventure for SneakyMelonPyroDuck… perhaps a musical one… hahahahahaha, I am so witty.

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 8,370 Legend

    A little update, playing the same level for 10 minutes on the old iPhone 6, which SEEMS a lot slower to me, running on iOS 12.5.7: Similar result though: 3448 orange candies scored in 10 minutes. That is quite reassuring meaning that we don't need the latest and fasted technology to compete.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?