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Jmore24 Posts: 10

Level 2

I get that this game makes up profiles to beat us out of races or whatever but this is crazy!!! One person beat that many levels in what? A week?


  • Amoonmoon
    Amoonmoon Posts: 36,944

    Welcome to the King's Community 🤗

    Thanks for your feedback.

    This type of incident has been reported

    I think it is a glitch that occurs if a player starts playing without saving their game and then logs into their game

    Or if accounts are merged, it leads to these results.

    I hope the king can fix this glitch.

  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,162

    Hello @Jmore24🤗 Welcome back to the King Community!

    That really does not sound right that a player has won 5000+ levels within 4 days!!

    We cannot be sure if the player is cheating or there is a glitch with the feature!! But, you can make sure by sending a complaint to the King Player Support team, so that they can look into this player and take needed action.

    Since you are using a mobile device, you can send your complaint directly from your game following below steps⬇️

    • Click on the Pink Cogwheel (Gear icon) located in the top right corner of game map screen;
    • Click on the ? icon in Settings window;
    • In the next screen (Help Center), scroll down all the way and click on "Privacy & Terms";
    • Scroll down to "How do I report abuse, offensive content or cheats" and click on it;
    • (You will see complete instructions on what to do next in that page itself);
    • Scroll down all the way and click on "Contact Us";
    • Make sure to fill out the form with correct choices in "Topic" & "Subtopic" areas;
    • Then, explain the issue in "Tell us what you need" box;

    • Submit your complaint.

    If you have any other questions, please reply by typing below🍫🍫

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