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Why advertise KitKat season worldwide if half your players don't have it?

I don't have it on a single device in our home and we have many devices. Why advertise a month long event worldwide if probably half your customers don't even have it in their game? And I don't care about scavenger hunt in the forum. I would like to know why so many of us aren't seeing this month long event at all.


  • Malicemors
    Malicemors Posts: 13

    Level 2

    Eu estou perdido. Para mim não aparece nada

  • kiara_wael
    kiara_wael Posts: 159,868

    Hi and Welcome to the King Community

    Thank you for reported: The KitKat x Candy Crush event is only available in select countries. If you can’t see the event, it may not be available in your region.

  • I suspect the reason so many of us are not seeing the Kitkat event is a legal one. Perhaps paying for the rights to use the logo would be too costly in the excluded countries, but that is just my guess. It does seem very odd that neither UK nor US are included in the Kitkat events! I fully agree that to advertise the Kitkat season when so many of us are excluded is inappropriate. However, I did see the Kitkat red "candies" in my game last week when I was travelling in Europe, and I hated them, they were so distracting in my game! We are actually lucky to not be included!

  • Then why advertise it worldwide?? Whatever... 🤣

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?