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Sneaky- melon duck profile

Nora85 Posts: 4

Level 1

edited November 2024 in Discussions

Hi, i saw this on my profile. Since this profile appear, I can't login to my account and it said i have connection problem, and asked me to connect to the wifi. I've done so many steps like in the FAQs, but I'm still offline and not able to progress to other levels and limited to many features of the game. Kindly assist please 🥺.


  • mohammadmajdi
    mohammadmajdi Posts: 4

    Level 1

    اتصال اینترنت را چک کنید اگر مشکل رفع نشد از اکانت خودتان خارج شوید و دباره وارد شوید

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,015
    edited November 2024

    Goodness me @Nora85 I haven't seen the Sneaky Melon Duck for a long time, I thought it had been fixed. We used to see this pop up briefly for the first friends on our friends' list. I wonder if @QueenB can help with this. I never found out what happened to the sneaky melon duck issue, but I was thinking it had been resolved……. 🧐🤔

    Mind you, the sneaky melon duck never stopped us from playing, so your connection issues might be unrelated. Are you playing the latest update? Have you tried to repeatedly close and reopen the game, and turn your phone off and back on?

  • Nora85
    Nora85 Posts: 4

    Level 1

    Hi @christinewupp , thanks for your advice.I'm playing the latest update version1.290.1.2 on android version 13

    Is this update this the latest one for the game? I tried few times turning the phone on and off, as well turning the wifi on and off but it didnt work so far.

    And since I'm not connected to the game online, I can't save the progress.

  • That is the latest version of the game. Did your problems start since you made this update? You state that you turned your phone on and off and wifi on and off, but have you force closed the game and reopened the game?

    To illustrate: I have just loaded my game with wifi turned off. It loads and I press Play, the daily treat machine shows up.

    I can see that I am offline because the episode race flag is greyed out and there are no other player icon on the map. Does your game permanently look like this?

    When I press my player icon at the top my inventory shows up normally even when I am not connected, because our boosters are stored on our phones, but if I then press "friends" I get this:

    It is in our friends list that we used to see the Sneaky Melon Duck, briefly, while the game was connecting to the internet but then immediately it got replaced by our friend's image. Do you see the Sneaky Melon Duck replace one of your friends or as one of the players on the map? Is it there permanently? If it showed up just once and then disappeared I would think it was a sign rather than the cause of your connection problem and therefore not really of relevance to your issues. You might choose to post under a different header in the Support forum for help there. There have been numerous other posts I have seen from players with problems connecting to King's server. You might also like to contact King Player Support, but as you appear to be permanently disconnected from the server you cannot do this via the app, so try this link below:

    I have tried a few things out and whenever I am on wifi I see my normal friends list, when I turn the wifi off and check my game again I immediately see the "you have no internet connection" screen. I never see the Duck any more. So I am baffled by this. I wonder if any of my more technology savvy friends might be able to shed some light on this.

  • Nora85
    Nora85 Posts: 4

    Level 1

    Hi @christinewupp ,since this few days, that profile was just there permanently. When i pressed my friend's list, he got that profile too. But then, i tried to turn off the wifi and check again the friends list. It showed me ' you have no internet connection'. Then, just now, I tried to turn wifi on and off hoping for miracle lol. I also followed your advice by forcing closing the app, event though it never work all this time . And last, i turn off the phone and on it. After that, I started again the game and the my profile start to change!!!

    My profile has appear and my progress is saved! I'm so happy! Thank you so much!!!

  • Feels like he should post in this thread.

  • I'm so glad it's fixed for you now and especially that were able to save your progress! Closing and reopening the app always works best for me and I think the new update probably also might have helped to fix the connection problem, for the time being anyway. Good luck with your game!

  • mohammadmajdi
    mohammadmajdi Posts: 4

    Level 1

    از تمام دوستان بابت نظراتشان ممنونم اما من هم همین مشکل را دارم و از این موضوع خیلی ناراحتم ولی من نگفتم با انجام خارج و وارد شدن از اکانت بازی مشکل کاملا درست میشه من فقط این پیشنهاد را دادم تا زمانی که سازندگان بازی این مشکل را حل میکنند بتوانید بازی کنید .و این که من هم هر وقت خواستم بازی کنم با این روش پیش رفتم و خواهم رفت و منتظر می مانم تا سازندگان این مشکل را کاملا حل کنند مطمئنم این بهتر از این هست که فقط بخوام شکایت کنم

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