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Does anyone, e.g. Aviva from Israel, know how to, make contact with, andchat to other players?


  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 170,758

    Oops! Unfortunately this chat feature still doesn't on this game yet. You make sure vote (click on vote up button) here on this similar idea that we hope this idea should be implemented, thanks! 👇😊

    Anyway, thanks for your playing Candy Crush Saga! ❤️😊

    👱🔄👩 Invite friends to your game - New way of connecting with other players in the game here!

    Need friends for Candy Crush Saga? Post your Friend Link here! 😊

    You can also click here to read my answer to follow these steps of add more friends that we hope you can send and receive lives with friends on this game. 😊

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?