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Bonjour je n’arrive pas à tuer les grenouilles au niveau 6581

williammarie Posts: 11

Level 2

bonjour impossible de tuer les grenouilles au niveau 6581 😞

Best Answers



  • kiara_wael
    kiara_wael Posts: 160,028

    Hi and Welcome to the King Community

    Level 6581.This is an orders level, you have to use the frog three times and collect fish and Jellies . First uncover the frog and then concentrate on making colourbombs to grow it. You can use the frog to unlock the fishing floats so you can get the fish you need. Colourbombs will grow the frog again and again. You will need some other combos to get enough fish and this will be easier once the keys are collected

  • williammarie
    williammarie Posts: 11

    Level 2


  • MannyFae
    MannyFae Posts: 924

    Bonjour @williammarie

    Even though this level is certainly tricky, it's not as bad as it might seem. It's definitely possible. You cannot get rid of the frog or kill it, only move it from one place to another once it has been fed and is glowing. An order of three frogs means you need to feed and move the frog three times.

    Unblocking the middle part of the board and feeding the frog is the first task. I feed it by matching it with candies of the same color, in this case orange, whenever I have the chance.

    The position above gave me the chance to create a wrapped candy between the fishing floats, which will be very helpful later.

    After feeding the frog enough orange candies, it began to glow, which means I can now move it to another spot. I chose a spot just above the wrapped candy, so I can set it off and unlock the floats, as well as generate some fish.

    Note that after moving the frog once, the frog order decreased from 3 to 2. Now I need to feed and move the frog two more times. The tricky part is how to feed it now as it is in a spot where it cannot easily be matched with candies. One thing I could try is to drop some green candies down so that the frog can be matched with them. However, I managed something better: a striped and wrapped combination just above the frog.

    This combination is very useful. One thing it will help me with is generating fish from the floats. Another thing is feeding the frog. The frog is now green, and all the green candies caught in the blast will be fed to it. If you see an opportunity to create such combination above the frog and the floats, take advantage of it.

    I also noticed that the game created a color bomb for me, which will be very useful later.

    Now my frog is fed and glowing, and I move it one space lower to hit the floats and spawn fish.

    Now is when the color bomb comes into play. If I match a color bomb with a candy that is the same color as the frog, it will be fed.

    I have to move the frog one more time to fulfill the order for frogs, and also to collect three fish. I noticed that an orange stripe dropped down between the floats on the right side, so I moved my frog there to activate it. The stripe has hit 3 floats to spawn 3 fish, and most importantly, I have moved the frog for the third time, so the frog order is now fulfilled, and the level is completed.

    So to win the level, you have to feed and move your frog three times. First, you feed the frog by matching it with candies of the same color. Then, after you have moved it between the fishing floats where it is more difficult to feed, look out for opportunities to make a striped and wrapped or striped and striped combination to feed it. Also, look for opportunities to create a color bomb. I found that on this level, the game often helps you and creates a color bomb for you. When you have a color bomb, use it to feed the frog by matching it with the same color as the frog.

    Good luck!

  • williammarie
    williammarie Posts: 11

    Level 2

    comment faites-vous pour demander de l’aide à vos amis ? Je n’y arrive pas

  • MannyFae
    MannyFae Posts: 924
    Answer ✓

    Unfortunately, you can't ask your friends for help. It seems that the feature that lets your friends play a level for you has been discontinued.

    What makes this level difficult for you? Is it the frog?

  • MannyFae
    MannyFae Posts: 924
    edited December 2024 Answer ✓

    Vous ne pouvez pas vous débarrasser de la grenouille ni la tuer, mais seulement la déplacer d'un endroit à un autre une fois qu'elle a été nourrie et qu'elle brille. Un objectif de trois grenouilles signifie que vous devez nourrir et déplacer la grenouille trois fois.

    Avez-vous pu nourrir et déplacer la grenouille au moins une fois ?

  • williammarie
    williammarie Posts: 11

    Level 2

    bonjour désolée mais je n’y arrive toujours pas impossible pour moi

  • MannyFae
    MannyFae Posts: 924

    J'espère que vous réussirez bientôt ce niveau, je vous souhaite bonne chance !

  • williammarie
    williammarie Posts: 11

    Level 2

    j’y passe des heures mais impossible

  • A lot of legendary levels have been made almost impossible to pass this week. It may be not your strategy or skill but King's level design which makes you keep failing. Try to take a pause playing if you have no gold bars to pay your way out of this level with extra moves. King might make the level easier to pass if too many players are stuck on it.

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