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Without play they rejected me why

vinodchary Posts: 2

Level 1

I was going gold royal finally stage they decline me without play


  • vinodchary
    vinodchary Posts: 2

    Level 1

    I was thought here no froud but here also fraud if I won that I will got 200 gold coin but they decline without play bludy non sense

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,015

    Hello @vinodchary If the game kicked you out of a level because your win streak boosters were blocking the only possible moves then it might be worth reporting this to Player Support. You can use the link below. Please state clearly what happened and which level this was, it is important they know which level this error occurred on. If you were kicked out of Candy Royale for this they might give you something to compensate your loss as King are at fault you got kicked out. Try contacting either via Settings (the small pink cogwheel and then the ? icon) in your game or if you know your player ID use this link:

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