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Midweek Weekly Contest

yhn280 Posts: 3

Level 1

5043 levels passed in midweek? Did the #1 player not go to sleep and play all day since Sunday?

I've never seen anyone have that many levels past midweek! 😯


  • Nobody1
    Nobody1 Posts: 162

    What level is the player on, according to the player card? I wouldn't be surprised if it's lower than 5043. It appears there is some sort of bug that leads to this sort of thing; it's been reported quite a few times before by other players, and often the player is on a lower level than the number of levels supposedly completed that week.

  • yhn280
    yhn280 Posts: 3

    Level 1

    edited January 16

    At least his current level vs. levels won is credible. How can he complete 15,000+ levels in just 7 days? That's an average of 89-90 levels per hour, assuming he's playing 24 hours with no sleep, which is still impossible.

  • Nobody1
    Nobody1 Posts: 162

    Yes, that's crazy. And there were only 60 color bombs combined. The only way that would even be possible is if the player literally played a party popper every move, which would probably cost tens of thousands of dollars. Otherwise surely a pace like that would require lots of color bombs combined.

    I think it's probably safe to say either this is some sort of bug, either unintentional which shows incorrect values, or a bug in the game that the player exploited to cheat. Either way, it's pretty certain no real player can complete 15,000 levels in 7 days.

  • yhn280
    yhn280 Posts: 3

    Level 1

    FYI, this proves your original theory is correct. The player has more levels won than the level he's on.

    ***Mods: Please see post @kiara_wael @bearwithme***

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,151
    edited January 17

    It's someone who is merging several accounts. But sometimes this can happen because of a glitch as well. It's been reported loads of times, sometimes by players themselves who had no idea why their stats showed such nonsense. King are apparently not interested in fixing this or they can't eliminate this fault. At least if you get second or third place this week because of this fault/glitch/cheater then at least you will still be able to gain the three week reward. Also I'd like to point out this player is a "she" given the name Michelle.

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