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Why I get lived request when I ask for lives?

estuati Posts: 1

Level 1

I had been playing for a long time. But when I need to ask for lives, the only I get is lives request and no lives for me. Don’t get me wrong, I love giving lives to my friends but for one live I get, I got asked for 4 lives. I think you can ask for lives and give one, so I don’t have to ask over and over.


  • Carol-38
    Carol-38 Posts: 12,201

    Hi @estuati Welcome to the Community 🤗 You are not the only one that has problems with lives, whether it's receiving or sending. There always seems to be some kind of problem and it's more the King server fault than your friends. Is this a new problem for you, if so hopefully it will be put right at some stage. Don't be put off of sending lives to your friends, they may be having the same problem. In future you are best to post in Discussions as more payers will see what you have written. If you want to reply to someones post please click on the 'Reply' at the bottom first, then add your reply and post. Good luck with your game and hope to hear from you again 😏

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