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Different User ID’s

my computer and my iPad are on level 12515 but my phone is on level 302 with a different user id number, how can I get my phone to the same level as the computer and iPad ? Please


  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,045
    edited January 19

    Hello @Oscardaisy12 If you want to play the same account on three devices this is possible, but it is not allowed or possible to merge accounts with different user IDs. If you ever saved the account with the different login and password, then you will not be able to merge this account with the account at level 12,515. If you have never saved the account then you can go into settings, then "my account" on your iPhone and choose the "already have a King account" option at the bottom. In this case your gold balance will automatically be that of the game at level 12,515, your boosters will remain as they are stored on each device separately. The easiest way to play on a third device is to log out of the new account and then log in with the old account on that device. You cannot take any gold or boosters with you.

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