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Weekly Race- Is it fair or is it fake?



  • Nobody1
    Nobody1 Posts: 153
    edited February 3

    New week, new batch:

    current level / last 7 days
    79/84 (how is that possible? Seems like the current level is still not fully up to date on the player cards?)
    71/77 (again)
    71/75 (again)

    (I probably wouldn't have bothered posting if it weren't for the 3 71s - I couldn't resist reporting them since it happened again.) Still the obsession with 71! Players from Chile, Argentina, Mexico, Puerto Rico (which is the US) and US. So all of us in the Americas.

  • mackem003
    mackem003 Posts: 100


    Type.YesIagreallcommentTodayweek I'startingnewweekandeveryoneinmygamearebelowI'mon000plussoit'simpossiblettowinPlayersidenticallevelsshouldplaytogetheCC'monCandygetitsorted

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,106

    I couldn't help laughing at your opposition! They're still practising their algorithms at King then, obviously. Mine sets me easier opposition than last week when I didn't have enough new levels to hit the target for third place. Oddly the game tells me I did get into third last week, which is a lie.

    This is my Poppy game board at the end of the map. I can't play until Wednesday when new levels come out.

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,106
    edited February 3


  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,106
    edited February 3

    It turns out that all of my games get the same as you @Nobody1 . New players at exactly the same level that they have so far played. Not only that, but I have the same player feature in two of my games. This player shows up both for the new player who started playing two weeks ago and for my Cornflower game which has slowed down playing:

    Anyone who still thinks these opponents are real and that they are somehow at a disadvantage by the fact these are "new" players needs their head examined. I am pretty certain that lovelum will be easy to beat. As will all but one of the others.

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,106
    edited February 23

    As I predicted at the beginning King have now made this event more "intelligent" with more believable opposition. So I am revisiting this thread:

    Is it fake?

    I still think so. All of my games only see players who apparently started playing last week. Every game gets three players who seem to be actively playing and the rest who aren't doing much at all.

    What I would like to know is this:

    If these are real players with real player cards playing in real time, how did King know in advance how many levels these players would crush this week?

    Because assuredly my opposition in my Piggy game is not random and it's not by chance that I get players who have mimicked my progress and indeed even the event I was given, that allows us to gain double points for the weekly race for each level. Ada assuredly also gets double points.

    According the player card Ada has scored higher than her actual level, which would suggest she also gets this event:

    (This feature is utter pointless nonsense in my view and distorts the picture of this event, but that is beside the point. )

    A few days ago I had these scores on the same game:

    Judging by the behaviour of my opposition this event seems to mirror the behaviour we see in the episode race, it follows the same pattern (aka algorithm) I see time and again in the hundreds of episode races I have played. There is no way this is by chance. If this were a real time event there is no way King could have foreseen the behaviour of these players so my conclusion remains: These must be recordings. They are probably very recent recordings, maybe from the previous week, but I cannot see how this can be a coincidence.

    The other question: Is it fair?

    No, it is not fair. Lying to players with fake player cards and fake players in my view can never be fair. I do not believe this event is real.

    Someone convince me otherwise.

    I have invited all these players to be my friends. Let's see what happens.

  • Nobody1
    Nobody1 Posts: 153

    I'm curious - what is your end-of-map race like? Now that I'm at end-of-map, I no longer have even the slightest chance at a Weekly Contest win, of course (since I've run out of levels to play). But my competition this week is also viciously tough - the worst I've seen in months, so it's particularly bad for me. I am in 8th place, and that is despite the fact that I had 15 levels extra because I didn't finish the map until this week. So I have 60 points, and 7th place is 62. First place is 486, from a player that shows current level of 464 (either current level is not up to date or that player is getting the x2 multiplier, or as you suggest the whole thing is fake anyway). I haven't done that many levels since the competition that earned 100 gold bars per month, quite a few weeks ago.

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,106

    We do not stand a chance in this new revamped version of the weekly race. I haven't played the new levels yet and will probably wait until Monday just to tempt the game into giving me easier opponents if I myself scored zero for this week. We'll see if that helps. This is my leaderboard. As you can see with 45 levels to play it is impossible to get onto the podium:

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,106
    edited February 24

    Hey guys it worked!!!!

    They've grouped me with some total losers who played a handful of levels and then stopped. Even if they did play I'd still have this week's new releases to beat them with, so this time I should be able to make it. It does show pretty well how King pick our opponents though. So for everyone' info: I did not play a single level in last week's race because I was hoping this might bring me easier opponents. And it worked.

  • Nobody1
    Nobody1 Posts: 153

    Actually, with my doing just 60 levels last week, I am seeing a similar thing!

    Mine is strangely even better than yours!

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?