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The longest win streak in Candy Crush is : 2531 Really? Is that all?

christinewupp Posts: 11,073
edited February 2 in Discussions

I am trying to counter the nonsense quote that the highest win streak in Candy Crush is somewhere in the hundreds. It's way higher than that! But how high?

Some streaks above 2000 and 3000 have been recorded in the past, but as the game keeps changing those would not be a fair comparison.

The highest win streak recorded here in the community and documented with a screenshot in the past 12 months is this 2531.

But that was in September 2024 and we do not know if it is has since been broken.

The truth is nobody knows what the longest current win streak is. So if you have a good win streak going, post your screenshot here and let's see if anyone here can beat it!



  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,073
    edited February 1

    No luck of course. I don't get enough hits to affect Google. Does anyone here know how to affect what shows up when people google "highest win streak" in Candy Crush or "longest win streak"? There seems to be no way to explain to people that it's not 330 and never has been 330 because that's what shows up when I google it as well, with the official King logo above it. It's so easy to spread something stupid like that I find it quite scary.

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,073
    edited February 1

    So for the record:

    No one knows what the highest or longest win streak is at present in Candy Crush.

    In the past win streaks of over 2000 have been reported in this community but these are not current and it is impossible for anyone to know what the highest win streak at the moment is due there being millions of players.

    Any high win streak can be lost even by the best and richest players when they hit certain levels in the game that will cut out and display an "oops" message, due to too many boosters blocking the first move.

    At the moment (January 2025) there is no reward for reaching any specific high win streak and no competitions relating to win streaks in the game.

    Don't waste your time to reach a high win streak. It is a very costly way to play and has no benefits.

  • Nobody1
    Nobody1 Posts: 145

    I think it might be useful to mention that the longest win streak I have ever seen on these boards is somewhere over 3000, and there was a screenshot posted, so it's fairly reliable. It was, as you say, done quite a long time ago (the graphics look totally different since it was so old - I think I remember it was in landscape mode?).

    The longest win streak ever is definitely unknown, and is almost assuredly MUCH higher than 3000. All we can potentially know is whatever someone posts here.

    And as @christinewupp says, it really doesn't have any meaning or value, other than silly bragging rights.

    I suspect the way a thread gets higher on Google is when it is looked at often, as well as when it is posted to often. The more we have people hit this thread, the higher it will climb. So I guess we just need to keep hitting it so it will rise in searches.

  • Nobody1
    Nobody1 Posts: 145

    I figure it doesn't hurt to make multiple posts to this thread, just to try to get it to rise in searches.

    I would like to point out that, even though a win streak doesn't have tremendous value in the game (although it certainly has some value - it is particularly useful to keep long win streaks going at the higher levels so you can have a greater chance of doing double color bombs), and there is certainly no reward for it, it is completely reasonable that people are proud of their win streaks and would want to brag about them. I know that my best win streak is certainly not the longest, as there is a screenshot of a longer one and several reports elsewhere of longer ones (and there are probably much longer streaks than the ones that have been reported), but I am quite proud of my 2400+ win streak, even if I don't have a screenshot to prove it. And, for that matter, I did take a screenshot of a 981 win streak recently, which I lost at 987, and I'm proud of that too. It's true that anyone can buy their way to a several hundred long win streak without too much difficulty, but getting over 1000 wins in a row is actually pretty challenging and requires some real skill, if only to avoid the 'gotcha" levels - the oops levels with sugar coats (no available moves even after rearranging) and chocolate (running out for the order), and the gummi dragon levels where you can accidentally kill the candy to make them drop, stranding them. You almost always have to navigate a few of these to get to 1000+, and that takes skill.

    So I wonder if the way to make this thread beat the dreaded "330 is the highest" thread is perhaps to make this the new brag thread. If people are able to brag here about the longest win streak, and it eventually contains the longest known one, perhaps it will at least avoid that awful thread which makes people think 330 is actually a good number.f

    It might even help to edit the title periodically to update with the highest known count so far. That way, even if it's lower in the Google search list, at least once it makes the top page (which it probably will, if we keep posting to it), people will see the high number and ignore the 330 thread. If you search for highest win streak and get 20 responses, your natural tendency will be to look for the highest number that you see, since you're trying to find what the highest number actually is. So putting the highest known number in the title will probably yield more hits and therefore a higher placement by Google.

  • Nobody1
    Nobody1 Posts: 145

    Just to have it here, this was a post from @MonicaYellow:

    Benson's score was 3057 @ level 12096

    Thus, the longest win streak I have ever seen posted is 3057 levels. Can anyone top it?

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,073

    Great idea. So should I edit the thread to "the highest win streak is 3057? " I think that might be a bit misleading since that was definitely a long time ago. There are cherries in that image. I'd rather have someone post here with a current win streak. But you are right, a number would be useful, and I can edit posts at any time. That is one good thing that has come out of 2024 in this community. We used to have 24 hours to edit a post, I can now go back to any of my posts and edit them. What win streak are you on right now? Also if we post here that it's 3057 that would be rather offputting for anyone, it's a bit unattainable to most players.

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,073

    I remember Monica well, she was a community friend from Singapore. It's been almost a year since we've heard from her. I hope she's okay. I miss her. She was an inspiration to me with her multiple accounts, a real expert crusher. She opened an account for her cat, that was cute. Benson must have been a relative.

  • Nobody1
    Nobody1 Posts: 145
    edited February 1

    How long can the title be? I was actually thinking a good title would be something like:

    The longest win streak in Candy Crush is unknown (the longest known streak ever is 3057)

    And then edit the number whenever something longer is discovered.

    I see your point about it being a bit off-putting because it's so high, but then again it seems better than people with mere 350 win streaks thinking they've done something beyond belief. Realism might not be as encouraging, but at least it's realistic. And I don't think 3057 is at all unattainable today; as I said, I had a 2400+ streak from around level 700 to around level 3400 at the beginning of last year, and I made a pretty dumb mistake when I lost it. As for my current streak, I'm afraid I lost my streak a few days ago (which I suspect was my longest since that first long one, at 987), and my current streak is just 187. And since I'm only about 600 levels from the end now, there's no way I'll have a streak that long ever again, unless I restart (which I don't intend to do).

    I guess I would hope that maybe if enough people see this thread, someone will post something more recent that's higher. Then at least it would solve the problem with it being an old score.

    I'm sorry to have missed out on Monica; sounds like she was a valuable member of this community.

  • Nobody1
    Nobody1 Posts: 145

    For what it's worth (nowhere near the longest streak), here is my recent longish streak:

    I thought I captured it at 981, but I don't see it now. I lost the streak at 987.

  • MannyFae
    MannyFae Posts: 913
    edited February 1

    This one from @Ccallstars is pretty impressive too. 2531 win without a loss!

    Reposted from this thread:

    I am pretty sure @Ccallstars managed to achieve a streak higher than that.

    This thread needs a catchy title with a number, misleading or not. And even then, Google algorithms tend to favor older threads.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?