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Match and catch

zeus77 Posts: 103

Hello all. What are your thoughts on match and catch. I prefer top that over match and catch. Top that had boosters and 100 gold bars as prize, but match and catch have only party pooper and ufo as grand prize and also striped candy, colour bomb, lolipop hammer for 5 mins.

How many of you had top that in your game this week. Sadly I only have match and catch, roll the dice. Oh this roll the dice it's difficult to win.


  • Nobody1
    Nobody1 Posts: 145

    Match and catch was a silly, meaningless trifle, athough I guess it was nice to get a party booster and a UFO.

    Top That is obviously a much bigger thing. The old Top That (not counting the first few weeks of it last year before they nerfed it) was too hard to ever justify reaching the top with, but the new one with the 100 gold bars was wonderful.

    I had Top That once, about a week ago, and hadn't had it before then for several months. I had Match and Catch this week and that's about all.

  • zeus77
    zeus77 Posts: 103

    On what basis/criteria king decides to give match and catch to some players , and top that to orhers. I don't understand. That 100 gold bars would have been a huge boost for me to move forward in this game. Not complaining though(1 ufo is 19 gold bars and 1 party booster is 29 gold bars so it's 48 gold bars in total). Anyways I'm still halfway to win ufo and party pooper.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?