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Love getting a masters trophy!
Great job!
Thanks And Good Luck for You ‼️😄👍😃
Hi dear @Scooterpie
Now What You Want To Say About My Thinking It was Creative Or Retroactive Or A Right Thinking. Because Episode Race Is Started Now. You Can Check This here.
Please Reply. I'm Waiting.
hi dear @santo_chris97
episode Race Is Started Now. You Can Participate There. Please Visit 👆👆 Just Tap On The Link. 🔗
Good Luck 😊😊
Hi @Pounawea @Freddy_Falkner @Werner_Cichy @rajdeeptb @aijaziqbal @Pitty_Kitty @Elsa @Yosca @Crazy Cat Lad @Nenikapaki @MountainMom @PummyRaj & "The Masters of Master Trophies!" Group
Thx for tag @Diamond Lim & @Pounawea.
*Note: On the "Master Trophies List", from left to right, the trophies are:
🚨 🎙️ Exclusive Q&A with the CCS Art Team: Ask them anything!! - Page 2 — King Community
Will see if we get a "Picture" of that "Sugar Star Crown" or not.
🎙️ 📮 We have their answers!! Exclusive Q&A with our CCS Art Team — King Community
Question 5
"Can we see a picture of this "Sugar Star Crown"?
Since you are the Art Team for (CCS), seems reasonable that you would have copies of it somewhere. Certain The King Community, along with the wifi / phone app "Master Trophy List" groups, would love to see it."
We weren't quite sure about this one. Sugar Stars crown... but we think we understood what you are referring to... the Master Trophy!
*Notice the response:
"We weren't quite sure about this one. Sugar Stars crown... but we think we understood what you are referring to... the Master Trophy!"
Sorry, not what I asked. So below is the reference to what King called it in their Online Guide. Again, it is these bits & pieces, causing confusion. It is one thing to win a "Trophy", I have won some, certain you have also. Many of mine where made of plastic. Let's see, like Chess Trophies, Bowling Trophies, Foot Racing Trophies, etc... However, I have never won a "Crown", most of them made or consist of jewels, like diamonds, or have gold, rubies, emeralds, in them. Kings & Queens, have them. So a better explanation is instead of "Master Trophies List", how about "Master Crowns List"? Changing the meaning of something, doesn't make it so.
Might be that the "Diamond Trophy" is called or (aka) Also Known As the "Sugar Star Crown"? If it is, then it is a liberal view. Why I asked the question, to clarify things.
So I am asking @Pounawea to please ask again, with this post, so we can clear things up. It seems the artist themselves are not certain, why you need to give reference points.
*Online Guide - Candy Crush Saga
What are the Sugar Stars and how do I collect them? – Candy Crush Saga
How does it work?
"Instead of boosters or prize-rewards for the Sugar Stars, the win will give you kudos and special Sugar Star displays on your level map. Also, if you're successful and win levels in a streak, you could finish the episode with the secret hidden Sugar Star crown!"
Champion Title | Candy Crush Saga Wiki | Fandom
Also, includes a "List of Titles"!
For more on "Master Trophies List", "Sugar Stars" or "Sugar Star Crown", see the "Saga Online Guide" & "Wiki" below.
*References For Players
Candy Crush Soda Wiki | Fandom
Candy Crush Saga Wiki | Fandom
Take Care Group - Origins7 Dale, 😀
@rajdeeptb greetings! Thank you for the link.
I see and collecting badges is fun. I will participate but probably not if getting one of badges requires passing 50 levels in one week. Badges are nice but not that important to me. Collecting boosters and gold that's me. Only 45 new levels come out each week and I like to complete all the new levels every week. Perhaps when the badge for completing 50 levels in a week is introduced it will be one of those weeks that an additional 15 levels are released. It is a good surprise when it happens. Has happened a few times! That could be the plan! Would keep from having some unhappy players?
It is nice to bounce ideas around with you. I enjoy discussing Candy Crush and constructive criticism of the game. Happy Crushing!
One more 😉
One More 😉