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Build A Bot Not Working Correctly

Squirrelwife Posts: 136 Level 3

Ok, so, as i have often said, i love Candy Crush. Am at level 5072.

Although someone told me that not many people have the "Build A Bot", I personally do rely on it to get boosters and don't mind replaying.

I have to say that going all the way down from 5072 to play earlier levels takes a while to collect your boosters.

But if Bot is there, why is it not always working correctly?

Again, yesterday, I lost only one level, so i went down to the Bot, should have gotten "Bot has improved" sentence.

No, it went down all the way as if i had lost 4 or 5 levels.

This has happened before.

Frankly, this is beginning to annoy me.

It's the first time I am not sure if i want to play up to 6000 anymore, it is difficult as it goes.


Best Answer

  • tscheip
    tscheip Posts: 103 Level 2
    edited August 2020 Answer ✓

    That's how Build-A-Bot works now, unfortunately.

    You lose once and you lose all your boosters, and you can't recharge it by playing old levels, only NEW levels.

    It's definitely going to make people quit the game. The higher levels are so stupidly difficult now it's only fun if you have plenty of boosters to waste. I got very high in the last few years when it was a lot easier to acquire free boosters and Build-A-Bot was much easier to recharge if you happened to lose a level.

    If Build-A-Bot always functioned the way it functions now, I would have quit playing a long time ago. As for now, I'll keep going until I run out of the free boosters I've built up, but then I'm done.

    There's nothing fun about every single level requiring tons of luck and taking you 3 days to beat without boosters. That's how hard they make the high-thousand levels.


  • tscheip
    tscheip Posts: 103 Level 2
    edited August 2020 Answer ✓

    That's how Build-A-Bot works now, unfortunately.

    You lose once and you lose all your boosters, and you can't recharge it by playing old levels, only NEW levels.

    It's definitely going to make people quit the game. The higher levels are so stupidly difficult now it's only fun if you have plenty of boosters to waste. I got very high in the last few years when it was a lot easier to acquire free boosters and Build-A-Bot was much easier to recharge if you happened to lose a level.

    If Build-A-Bot always functioned the way it functions now, I would have quit playing a long time ago. As for now, I'll keep going until I run out of the free boosters I've built up, but then I'm done.

    There's nothing fun about every single level requiring tons of luck and taking you 3 days to beat without boosters. That's how hard they make the high-thousand levels.

  • rajdeeptb
    rajdeeptb Posts: 4,323 Level 5

    hi dear welcome to our community

    When we loose some levels build a voat feature Also decreased All rewards. You Have to Build It Again.

    please Read All Information About Build A boat Here 👇

    hope this helps

    have fun

  • kiara_wael
    kiara_wael Posts: 148,619 Candy Moderator

    Hi and Welcome to our Community

    When 'Build a Bot' is running, passing levels without losing a life can accumulate in-game boosters to help in each next level. Each successive win without breaking the Build-a-bot chain brings more goodies!

    Keep the one golden rule in mind: Make sure you pass the level! This keeps your chain of boosters appearing and you can bolt-on new bot bits to crank up the benefits!

    If you fail the level you’ll break the chain and your progression in building the Bot takes a hit. Don't worry though, if that happens, you can always try again and work your way back up.

  • Freddy_
    Freddy_ Posts: 68,477 Crushing Legend

    @Squirrelwife Hi and welcome, Your Build a Bot is working correctly. It was changed a while back so now it can not be used on old levels and also you lose one level you lose the whole Bot. Its was also down to 3 levels max bot but believe this has now been made up to 4 levels of bot

    Hope this helps

  • Mary_Kay
    Mary_Kay Posts: 1,402 Level 5

    So sorry but as said that is the way it is now. It was much better before and I find it almost useless now. The levels I play are crazy hard and it takes many tries so I rarely have any level of build a bot, then I finally get one and if more as soon as you lose you lose them all. It tells you so in the message you get when you lose a level and don't pay to continue.

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