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how can i finish level 1303 when i dont get the 3rd key

brian1960 Posts: 5

Level 2

i know it is supposed to come when 4 moves left wasted a bunch of lives with no key ever showing up played 5 lives with the key didint make it try again now i do not get the 3rd key


  • aijaziqbal
    aijaziqbal Posts: 8,884

    Hi and welcome to the community.

    Please do the syandard troubleshooting tips by Log out, update your game application, restart your device and login again and check if it solves your case.


  • brian1960
    brian1960 Posts: 5

    Level 2

    2 players on this l ap top way ahead of me and no problems when he plays that level i have refreshed severaltimes

  • aijaziqbal
    aijaziqbal Posts: 8,884

    So sorry but have patience and let us check if there is any issue with this level. So that we can report to our studios for a fix.

  • bearwithme
    bearwithme Posts: 16,929

    Hello @brian1960 and a very warm welcome to our wonderful Community! just replayed the level twice and the 3rd key did drop when there were 4 moves left. The UFOs are not on top of jelly so technically you could complete the level without them, but of course it is difficult to do with all the icing in the bottom and the licorice tying up the bottom striped candy.

    Can you take a screenshot of your board when you are at the 4 moves left to show that the 3rd key has not appeared? Also as asked above - what device are you playing on (make/model). I played on an iPad mini 5 and had no problems. The studio will need this information in order to try and see what the problem may be. They will also need your player ID. You can find out how to get your game ID# here.

    Until your level is fixed (so you can unlock the UFOs), if you are on a Fantastic Five team or can win Dexter's Race (when you are on the Popsicle planet) - both of those will award you a UFO when you win and that could really help you complete the level even without the 2 UFOs that are locked. I will cross my fingers you get a lucky board🤞

    Since you are new to the community, here is a guide to help you as you explore the various areas and HERE is where you can share a screenshot of your map to show you have completed level 1000, so you can get your level badge.

    Also, there are lots of exciting things are happening in the Candy Crush Saga Community for Halloween and you can read more about it HERE.

  • Freddy_
    Freddy_ Posts: 68,477

    @brian1960 Hi and welcome, someone had this issue yesterday, when both them and there partner had the same iPhone and same version of the app and one the keys dropped correctly and the other they did not. i check level on my iPhone and had no issues so this is a very strange error.

    If you have done the basic troubleshooting tips and it has not helped

    Think it may be one that you need to contact customer support with to see if they can help with the issue

    Just go to your game settings and help center and send them an email , just make sure your question is not one that gets directed back to the community

    Thank you

  • Mary_Kay
    Mary_Kay Posts: 1,403

    Refreshing is not the same as restarting. Have you done a restart of your device? If not, give that a try and see if it helps. Good luck

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