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My gold bars GONE (CCSaga)

Snowynxx Posts: 31 Level 2

Hello there,

I have 56 gold bars. I use 10 to revive my level so i should have 46 left but then i noticed i only have 10 gold bars! Why is this happening? Is it possible to restore them back? It took me so long to collect it. 😭😭

Yes this is the first time happen to me

Best Answers

  • hechicerilla
    hechicerilla Posts: 10,353 Legend
    Answer ✓

    Oh dear, you're welcome, and I'm glad you found it.

    If you notice, that message gives you to choose two options, you have to select the first one by clicking on the link, and it will take you to a form where you can explain your problem, try to give as many details as you can. After that they will contact you to give you a solution.

    Please remember to check your junk mail.

    Good luck 🤞 and keep enjoying

  • wykoon
    wykoon Posts: 12,714 Community Hub Moderator
    Answer ✓

    Hi there @Snowynxx and thank you for sharing the screenshot.

    You may reply that email and follow-up with them about your issue since you can't find solutions here.

    You may un-junk that email by transferring it to your inbox so it will automatically be treated as safe mail the next time you receive the same. However, you can still counter check your junk mail in case it accidentally end up there.

    After you've follow up with them, just look out reply from them. If still no answer after a long time, it means that your missing gold bars may not be recoverable especially if you earn it through your game. If you have proof of recent purchase of the missing gold bars please email King Support the purchase record for their further action.

    Again, good luck! 😊

  • Crazy Cat Lad
    Crazy Cat Lad Posts: 14,123 Community Manager
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Snowynxx !

    You can also dispute the purchase of the Gold Bars to Apple, Google, Facebook etc depending on what platform you play on.

    Please note that any free items in the game, like won rewards, do not get compensated or reimbursed by Player Support.



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