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For the last few weeks neither Candy Crush nor Farm Heroes will not load on my Windows 10 desktop pc.
I access the game through Facebook. I've checked the Apps on there and everything looks ok.
Candy Crush gets stuck on the screen after the orange King Loading screen which is the blue/pink screen that says 'Candy Crush Saga.'
Farm Heroes gets stuck on the orange King screen and just says 'Loading ...'
I've tried various things I've found online but nothing works.
Can anyone help me with this?
@QuizZicle Hi and welcome, Make sure your device is up to date and clear your browser cache, then restart your device and log back in and see if this solves your issue
If not try using a different browser to see if that helps, you could also download the windows 10 app as these are more stable to play on
Thank you
Hi and thanks. My device is up-to-date and I've cleared my cache, restarted it etc. I've also tried it on a different browser. It still will not get past loading on either app.
What do you mean download the Windows 10 app - does that mean download the games onto my pc and not play them through Facebook? It's convenient to play them through Facebook.
Candy Crush and Farm Heroes will still not load on my pc. Can anyone out there help?
Do King staff monitor the boards and ever answer posts?
@QuizZicle Hi Again, i have tried both of these on facebook and can find no issues with the game loading. Got to be something related to your browser or browser settings. Check your facebook permissions and make sure the games are set to active and also check your browser is up to date again.
Windows 10 apps you would download to you PC appreciate you think Facebook is convinient for you, but the app versions are more stable and have less issues like this
Hi again, I've double checked both Apps and they are 'Active'. I've also checked my browser and that is up to date.
Just to clarify, do you mean to actually download the Apps to my PC and play them via my PC? If I do this, how do I keep my current level, bonuses etc?
Also, a strange this has happened. I could still play both games (accessed through Facebook) via my husband's laptop. I have checked the settings and they were exactly the same as my desktop. However, as of yesterday I cannot play Candy Crush but Farm Heroes is still ok. I double checked the settings and they are both still showing as 'Active'.
@QuizZicle . Yes you can download apps from microsoft store for windows 10 and you keep you progress by just signing in with you account details that you have the game saved with (king /Facebook)
I can still play all king games via web browser and the tips above normally work to remedy any browser issues. All i can say is i downloaded the latest version of edge a few weeks back and have no issues with any king game on this, when i use chrome i am forever clearing the cache to get the games to load correctly although lately this has been a lot less frequent
Thank you
Hi and thanks again. I'll try and download them to use on my pc.
I prefer Google to Edge but do clear my cache once a week, not that it has made any difference to games.
I've downloaded the two Apps to my Windows 10 PC with mixed results.
Candy Crush has come through with all my boosters etc intact. It offered me the option to sign in via an email or Facebook. I signed in through Facebook.
Farm Heroes has downloaded without all my boosters etc. Again, I signed in through Facebook. I have 100s of boosters on this game, and 1000s of points!
Do you know of any way I can get back my boosters etc on Farm Heroes?
Also, the games display very large rather than normal size. I've tried to reduce them but the will not go any smaller. Again, any thoughts on how to reduce the size?
Hello, @QuizZicle
The same is happening to me as you. Since Saturday I can not enter to play Candy Crush from the chrome browser through facebook.
I have put a post and they tell me how you, how they are doing well, it is our problem.
I have tried everything, even on other computers and it is the same.
Test in Mozilla browser, in that I have been able to enter, but I have all my things in the Chrome browser!
Can anyone help me sort out access to Farm Heroes via my PC desktop so that it retains all my points, boosters etc?
Also, anyone know how to reduce the size? If I reduce the display size everything becomes smaller which is not what I want.