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Missing boosters

Jackpot81357 Posts: 5 Level 2

Hello, I am on level 2837. I have over 200 winning games straight and was getting 5 boosters before each level played. Today I am not getting the boosters. Anyone know what could be happening? Thanks!!

Best Answer

  • FlaringCrystal120
    FlaringCrystal120 Posts: 3,056 Level 5
    edited February 2021 Answer ✓

    Hello and welcome, are you trying to say you lost your win streak?

    This occasionally happens - However, do try this troubleshooting step and see if it helps resolve your issue. Disconnect your game/device from the internet, wait for several seconds or more, then reconnect it back to the internet. Play a level, and see if the win streaks appears. If it doesn't help, then there is a glitch and hopefully it will fix itself. The win streaks is in the Test Group so we cannot say for sure that you will always find this feature.


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