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🎬 🎙 Virtual event - A Kingdom Exclusive - Live Series with Alex on Level Design!



  • Hello, what is the actual date? I see Date 3 and 4. So confused.

  • hechicerilla
    hechicerilla Posts: 10,374

    As always, I would love to attend, but I don't have the necessary technology and I don't speak English 😔

  • Timhung
    Timhung Posts: 1,487
    edited February 2021

    Should I join it...?

    I am sleeping at that time.

  • Pounawea
    Pounawea Posts: 4,511

    Dear Candy Crushers,

    Exciting! It is great to see that you guys are signing up for our next virtual event with Alex, one of our Level designers. 🙌

    You didn't sign up yet? No problem, you still have time to register for this virtual event!

    Join us in this exclusive journey and meet our Kingster Alex! Register now for free! Link below ⬇️:


    Have a delicious day and happy crushing. 🍬 🍬


    🗓 Virtual Event Date: Wednesday, March 3rd, 2021.

    🕔 Time-based on location: 

    9:30 am: USA West Coast (PST)

    12:30 noon: USA East Coast (EST)

    5:30 pm: UK (GMT)

    6:30 pm: Europe (CET)

  • daniella82
    daniella82 Posts: 46

    Level 3


    I registered..super excited

  • Pounawea
    Pounawea Posts: 4,511

    Dear Candy Crushers!

    We are really excited for today's virtual event, Journey with Alex, one of our amazing Level Designers in Candy Crush Saga!

    Join us in this exclusive journey and meet our Kingster Alex! Register for free in the link below ⬇️:


    To all King Community members attending to today's virtual event, please have fun and let us know your thoughts afterwards! 

    During the virtual event, use the chat or ask questions, and let everybody know you are a member of this sweet forum and the Candy Crush Community! Don't forget to greet all Community members. 😉

    Quick reminders:

    🗓 Virtual Event Date: Wednesday, March 3rd, 2021.

    🕔 Time-based on location: 

    9:30 am: USA West Coast (PST)

    12:30 noon: USA East Coast (EST)

    5:30 pm: UK (GMT)

    6:30 pm: Europe (CET)

    ⭐️ Other information:

    • This is an online event, we will be connecting via the Zoom platform.
    • Free registration! Full joining instructions will be sent in the confirmation email that you’ll receive on registration.
    • Note: As it’s a webinar-style event, so your video and audio will be disabled throughout. Chat and Q&A features are operational, so feel free to use them and chat to us and other players.

    IMPORTANT: by signing up for the event you agree that you will not disclose information to anyone or use it for any reason other than attending our King Virtual Hang-Out. Photo or video footage of our information cannot be taken. Publicly-disclosing information online (blog, social media) is prohibited.

    Join us in this exclusive journey and meet our Kingster Alex! Register for free in the link below ⬇️:!

    Have a delicious day and enjoy this virtual event! 🍬 🍬

  • NamTruong2001
    NamTruong2001 Posts: 4,415

    Hello I have joined but it says "waiting for the host to invite"

  • siti_payung
    siti_payung Posts: 13,089

    I did sign up but not sure if I will be awake at that time

  • daniella82
    daniella82 Posts: 46

    Level 3

    Ok gotcha

  • Timhung
    Timhung Posts: 1,487

    Do the event still acceptable for signing up?

    I hope I can wake up...

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?