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They are probably working on the level and I haven't received confirmation yet so I'm not sure if this will be the final.
Probably the same lame designer every week. He gets called into the boss's office again and gets chewed out for creating another disaster. He defends his work as if it were one of his kids. This time, the boss agrees to only a modest tweak, but it's not nearly enough. It's still impossible without a fleet of UFO's and a metric butt-ton of lollipop hammers.
Thanks for being the conduit, @Sukanta_Biswas. At least this thread doesn't have the insufferable moderator-wannabes telling us that there is no glitch on the level and that some players have passed it.
In fact I am a player just like you and I also protest if any level is too difficult or flawed 😊I am always with you, and will be in the future.🤗
Thanks Sukanta_Biswas. You have been great at dealing the issues we're having and we appreciate it 😊
Level 8966 has now been updated to a new slight easier version!
Dear Sukanta_biswas , I just completed the level 8900 and that was the last level of episode. After update still I am not getting new levels plz help
Welcome 🤗
You'll only get extra episodes if you're using the Windows 10 app 🙂Let me know again if you can't find additional episodes after using the Windows app.
Thanks for response, I am using my IPhone not Windows 10 app and yes I can play the star levels (if those are bonus ) and still no new levels ❤️
Sorry, you won't get extra levels on any platform other than the Windows App.🙈