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Comments - The levels in this week (8991.. 9000 - 9035)



  • LindQ
    LindQ Posts: 562

    I'm sorry to hear so many of you are having a hard time with 9003. I assure you all that we always monitor the levels and we already pushed a first fix earlier today. If there's still problems we will push another tomorrow. I will personally keep an extra eye on this level ๐Ÿ‘€ Thank you all for your patience, and thank you all for your feedback ๐Ÿ˜„

  • Purvi_Macwan
    Purvi_Macwan Posts: 63

    Level 3

    @LindQ See my comment below.

    Guess the only fix they needed on 9003 is adding more "Green Down Arrow". Already have wasted more than 60 Gold Bars and 10 Lollipop Hammer, 10 hands, party booster. So gave up on this now. enough is enough. I am not wasting my time in playing unresolved issue. I won't be playing anymore Until they apply fix.

  • Michael-6
    Michael-6 Posts: 987
    edited March 2021

    Got as far as 9023 and am stuck.

    Edit- got a lucky board and got passed with no boosters. Need a load of luck getting rid of the waffles quickly, I got a CB+CB, and a CB+wrap at the end to finish it off. No skill at all needed for this one, just lots and lots of luck.

  • Spieler_8675309
    Spieler_8675309 Posts: 4,308
    edited March 2021


    Comments: the levels from this week (8991-9035)

    What, two redundant threads?

    Whatever, it happens on occasion; but for the sake of those that didn't find the other one, post in both!

    They were what they were, & der Spieler will leave it at that; but (practically) everyone seems to luv 9003 this week.

    As for that episode/fast raceย this week, it appeared once (first episode, awarding 20 GBs); it's so awesome.


    At least the milestone rewards were available, so Johnny was correct...

    At least feedback about this isn't necessary, like it was for the previous milestone; so credit goes to the game team!

    Wait :01, that's part of their jobs; no need to give 'em credit for something they are paid to do.

    It's not like they are first responders, after all...

    How about properly testing levels before they're released?

    Maybe then those devs can get some credit.


    Glitch with level 9013, keeps running at bottom of game; see below screenshot.

    Forgot the screenshot

    G'day, mate (@Peter_Tornaros); how you going down under?

    But maybe you'll want to consider redacting/removing that screenshot (if you still have time, like Scoot did), as it could lead to some snide remarks; such as:

    Wow, that player has that amount of boosters; & they're still complaining about not passing levels?!?

    And things of that nature, just saying.

    But at least the NRL has started (with the AFL soon to follow), so we've got that going on now; good footy there...

  • Albert_Heinrich
    Albert_Heinrich Posts: 2,619
    edited March 2021

    @LindQ , Wow, Wow, Wow. This is the kind of feedback we need more often. I trust this is the forerunner of things to come. Oh, BTW welcome to this thread.

    As you can judge by the comments, players get really irate if their hard-earned boosters goes up in smoke.

    I am sure our own @Spieler_8675309 will be able to do his own kind of magic with this post.

  • kingcrusherhmagsi
    kingcrusherhmagsi Posts: 0


    in available levels on a phone platform progress .. Looking for new levels

  • John_58011
    John_58011 Posts: 212

    And so the trouble begins. 9024 and 9026 are insanely hard, too. It is a very tough release, all things considered.

  • Michael-6
    Michael-6 Posts: 987

    Agree, this last episode is definitely the hardest of the three, the awful 9003 notwithstanding. A real challenge if you don't have the full necklace boosters.

  • Peter_Tornaros
    Peter_Tornaros Posts: 2,231

    @Pounawea @Sukanta_Biswas What is wrong with the Space Race ? I have Dexter up but nothing is happening + the time started at 52+ minutes, then I played 2 games and nothing has happened but time left is now 41+ minutes and no candies have been recorded ??

  • Purvi_Macwan
    Purvi_Macwan Posts: 63

    Level 3

    I see many people cleared 9003 and I am sure they all have used different boosters. Anyone here who cleared it without any boosters?

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?