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Feedback on levels 9216-9260!



  • Andres-2
    Andres-2 Posts: 4,540

    Hi @LindQ Level 9238 on Android cannot be passed with boosters, it has fewer moves compared to videos on YouTube, and they have the same number of blockers.



  • Namrata_Lodaya
    Namrata_Lodaya Posts: 96

    Level 3

    pls check 9229 level it seems impossible

    is there any glitch

    has anyone solved it

    trying from last 2 days

    wasted so many lives and boosters

  • candycrazy99
    candycrazy99 Posts: 14

    Level 2

    9232......anyone got any tips, pleeeease??? They’ve cut the moves by almost half - 40 down to 21 AND added more obstacles! I used to enjoy this game, starting to think it’s time to give up!

  • pinlock
    pinlock Posts: 64

    Level 3

    9232 is ridiculous..they’ve just increased the moves by 1 to 22...15 more moves would be better then we might get close to passing...This is a level where your going to have to pay to pass if you havnt allready got gold bars..fortunately I have a few but I’m going to have to wait untill I get at least 20 extra moves to pass this one...A 19 move reduction and making the board harder is just crazy..shame on you

  • Yorben_Goeree
    Yorben_Goeree Posts: 3,880
    edited April 2021

    Hi, @LindQ its a problem for level 9231!

    I’m stuck at level 9231! Because for this level is 100% impossible without using boosters or extra moves. Therefore for it is not enough "Sugar Coat" for the orders lock to opening for the last 3 cherries. There spawned a last two-layers Sugar Coat from the last move to go!

    Please make this level to correct. Thanks for the understanding. 😊

  • FoxyBrown60
    FoxyBrown60 Posts: 32

    Level 3

    edited April 2021

    Level 9231 needs attention

    Hi. I posted this comment elsewhere and was advised to move it here.

    I thought I was doing something wrong, but having checked videos for this level I see why I cannot get it completed. I see that the level had 35 moves but the number of moves have since been reduced to 31. However, the last sugar coat that unlocks the final 3 cherries only drops at move 30. 

    This leaves ONE move to remove that plus the 3 cherries that appear in the side panels - which is actually NOT possible. You either need to put the moves back to 35 or drop the final sugar coat earlier.

  • FoxyBrown60
    FoxyBrown60 Posts: 32

    Level 3

    edited April 2021


  • FoxyBrown60
    FoxyBrown60 Posts: 32

    Level 3

    started this in error. Please ignore.

  • ellectra
    ellectra Posts: 295

    9256 anyone? Moves reduced from 43 to 24 and the closest i get is about 30 jellies left... initial boosters not very helpful.

  • ellectra
    ellectra Posts: 295

    Screenshot of my board after too many attempts...

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?