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๐Ÿ—๐Ÿ” Number of keys ๐Ÿ”๐Ÿ—



  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 15,096 Legend

    Quote @Spinnifix Thank you very much. You should keep in mind that many players play and are not in the community. Don't forget these players around the world !!

    Hi Spinnifix, I hadn't forgot those players that aren't part of this community. That is why I said this information should be available in the Player's Guide. The Player's Guide is available to every player of CCS. Player's don't need to be part of this community to access the Player's Guide as it is available to every player through the games home page and Help Center.

  • Spinnifix
    Spinnifix Posts: 25,288 Sweet Legend


    I looked for it in the help center and couldn't find it. I've read through a lot. There is nothing for the key and lock !! I'm so sorry.

  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 15,096 Legend

    Hi Spinnifix, I think you have misunderstood me. I am saying that the correct place to store information on how the multilock works is in the Player's Guide and not as a Discussion in this community. I am not saying that it is already there. I hope that makes sense.

  • Spinnifix
    Spinnifix Posts: 25,288 Sweet Legend

    You have to remember that I can't speak English and have to translate. That's why pictures don't help me with the English text. So I read everything possible in the Hillfe Center and there was no explanation. I tried to say that. I hope that it will still be deposited, otherwise I have to continue to hope for coincidence. Pity!!

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