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Bug reporting



  • slumpgodd565
    slumpgodd565 Posts: 4

    Level 1

    Okay so I’ve been on level 291 for the past few days and I can’t pass it bc it only gives me 30 moves which is supposed to give u 50 and I tried deleting the app and downloading it again and it still didn’t work plz help

  • Sanjay04
    Sanjay04 Posts: 1

    Level 1

    Hey i have reached 1st in weekly race but they are not providing me with the daily reward which i should get on the daily basis

  • kiara_wael
    kiara_wael Posts: 159,869

    Hi @Sanjay04 . Welcome to our Community

    I am sorry that you not get the prize

    If you miss a reward from any other feature, please email Player Support

    Go to the game's Start Menu, then Settings - Help Center - Purchases & Gold Bars - Contact us and send them an email.

    Thank you

  • Pitty_Kitty
    Pitty_Kitty Posts: 13,008

    Hi @Sanjay04 if by daily reward present on a daily basis you mean the daily win (pink sticker ) or the treat calendar, both features were not taken out from the game. But it can happen that features are not always present.

    Anyway always make sure to keep the game up to date and maybe try to log out, restart your device, log in and clear some levels to see if something changes soon after.

    Otherwise you'll need to wait and features will come back eventually

  • aijaziqbal
    aijaziqbal Posts: 8,884
    edited June 2020

    Hi @Sanjay04 .

    Plz. Note that weekly race ends on every sunday and awards are given on monday. But it is not on daily basis. If u r having another feature issue plz. Let us know.

    Hopefully it answers the question.

  • sravankdontha
    sravankdontha Posts: 2

    Level 1


    I am playing on level 3850.

    Locorice comes when i just play the move and does not wait until the step operation or combos gets completed.

    Locorice should not come until the move which i'm playing gets over completely.

    It just fills up, even when my complete step is not completed.

  • niblet2121
    niblet2121 Posts: 1

    Level 1

    Level 1368 (playing on Kindle fire HD) has a glitch. Whenever a UFO is triggered, no matter if it's on the board or used as a booster, the game crashes. This is making it impossible to finish the level

  • LimaNuvia
    LimaNuvia Posts: 4

    Level 1

    Level 3461 - Kindle Fire HD - same problem with UFO/flying saucer triggered/used and crashes game... life lost - getting annoying as can't get past this level now

    Please help :)

  • Leobezz
    Leobezz Posts: 1

    Level 1

    Hi I'm leobezz and I've been playing candy crush from the last 5 years, now I'm having a issue of Beanstalk challenge-the boosters i get doesn't really show up in the game

  • Training_Angel
    Training_Angel Posts: 4

    Level 1

    edited May 2021

    Level 4784 Technical bug.

    Find attached a copy of the gameboard for visual understanding.

    During the level, a horizontal striped candy will fall from the far right column. When it is hit, there is a play loop. This occurs when there are no chocolates to target, and no candy glass to break (I assume that is what you call the blocks over the candies at the bottom right. This is what happens if you trigger the candy stripe.

    1. Stripe hit clears the row and activates the fish lever.
    2. New stripe candy falls where the old one was.
    3. Fish enter screen and target the striped candy that fell.
    4. Repeat.

    The last game I played on this level before finally meeting goals, it happened in a loop of 30 times, then other stripes or bombs were created and it targeted them, then went back to the same loop. I lost count after 60, so it looped this process at least that many times in a single play of the round. Sometimes 5-7 times in a row. Sometimes way more.

    It appears to the a fish targeting bug. Instead of the fish targeting the standalone box to the bottom left (which are part of the level goals and should be targeted) when there are no chocolates or candy glass to target, it targets whatever special candy you have on the board. Since the column never drops a vertical stripe, it loops on itself unless clearing that row just happens to create a special candy. A wrapped bomb, or chocolate bomb can sometimes do enough to break the loop, but not always.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?