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Piggy bank

rllloyd Posts: 9

Level 2

My piggy bank is here one day, and gone the next. It's very frustrating.



  • kiara_wael
    kiara_wael Posts: 159,869

    Hi and Welcome to our Community

    Make sure updated your Apps. The Piggy Bank has not been removed, but as all extra features and sale offers the Piggy Bank may at times take a break from the game.

    Stay tuned, it will soon be back in your games.

  • Freddy_
    Freddy_ Posts: 68,477

    @rllloyd Hi and welcome,

    Yes this sometimes happens that the piggy bank disappears from the game for a little while, but it always returns. It is not guaranteed to be in your game all of the time as it is a bonus feature

    Thank you

  • rllloyd
    rllloyd Posts: 9

    Level 2

    Thank you both. I am aware that it sometimes disappears. I'd just like King to fix it, so that it doesn't. I don't think it's fair to users for the Piggy Bank to come and go, and I for one will stop playing until it returns.

  • Freddy_
    Freddy_ Posts: 68,477

    @rllloyd This is the same with all the features in the game they will come and go, not one feature is guaranteed to be in your game all the time. A lot of it is due to if there are any issues within the game or the feature they need to be removed to implement fixes.

  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 16,649

    Hello @rllloyd I agree that it is highly frustrating that certain features of the game come and go at random. It is also frustrating to learn that this disappearing act is actually intentional. As explained by Freddy_ King are fully up front in letting us know that none of the features like the Piggy Bank, or Chocolate Box are permanent features of your game regardless of whether you have had them for a long time. This answer doesn't help you in any way, but hopefully you will see that it is not just you that suffers from this frustrating aspect of the game.

    As the Piggy Bank is just a means of obtaining a discount in your shop why don't you try some of the discounts on offer instead of quitting the game?

  • tr6465
    tr6465 Posts: 52

    Level 3

    I went to bed last night with 60 gold bars in the piggy bank, got up this morning with only 30. What’s the deal? Another King money grab. BS

  • rllloyd
    rllloyd Posts: 9

    Level 2

    Yesterday, my Piggy Bank was back, and today it is gone, yet again. I'm on level 2971, so I've been playing for quite a while, but I'm truly getting fed up. As a former Software Engineer and Quality Assurance manager, I find it totally unacceptable that features appear and disappear on a daily basis. That is no way to treat long-time users/customers.

    Sales are fine, and contests are fine. But leave usual features like the Piggy Bank alone. If King hopes to make more money by taking the bank away, they may be surprised when people stop playing altogether.

  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 16,649

    Quote @rllloyd But leave usual features like the Piggy Bank alone. 

    Well that is another part of your issue in a way. That is, there are many people that have never had the Piggy Bank, so it is erroneous to think of it as a 'usual' feature.

    If King hopes to make more money by taking the bank away, they may be surprised when people stop playing altogether

    As above, not everyone has the Bank, so a few people not playing in protest won't bother them one way or the other.

    As a former software engineer & QA manager I guess you can see what the usefulness of having over two hundred million players does for King. Since its launch 73 billion hours of Candy Crush have been played, so can you imagine the database that they must have.

    I suppose what I am saying is that with the huge amount of data they have available to them features that come and go can in no way be considered an error/glitch. They must know what they are doing and why.

  • corrysh
    corrysh Posts: 8

    Level 2

    Why has the piggy bank "full" now at 30 bars for 2.99. Used to be "full" at 60 for 2.99. Same money less bars getting too expensive to keep playing this game.

  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 16,649
    edited June 2021

    To put it another way @corrysh why have I only ever had a Piggy Bank that was full at thirty gold bars whilst other people had a Piggy Bank that could hold sixty gold bars. How is that fair!

    Maybe this is King's way of making sure that everyone with a Piggy Bank gets the same deal.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?