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Feedback on levels 9546-9590!



  • Michael-6
    Michael-6 Posts: 987

    Has the animation for setting off a wrapper changed? The candy looks like it is having a massive seizure before the second explosion

  • Albert_Heinrich
    Albert_Heinrich Posts: 2,619

    Either a seizure or it is getting cold. Not sure why it was changed.

  • Peter_Tornaros
    Peter_Tornaros Posts: 2,226

    @Michael-6 I have noticed it also, scary 😵

  • Albert_Heinrich
    Albert_Heinrich Posts: 2,619
    edited June 2021

    I, started the first episode due to a false indication of the Garden Tour. It never materialized. At least I won the Episode Race.

    Not a bad episode at all. Used a FS out of choice. When those CB Combo opportunities present itself, I cannot resist.

    Quite a few tricky levels in there fore me. A little bit of a scare for me at level 9548, where I completed it with 1 move left. Levels 9550 and 9557 was really fun levels and I quite enjoyed playing Level 9560, which was a RR level.

    The rest was made relatively easy, courtesy of the free PGB's, which include SF and CW.

    @Scooterpie, I will give your theory on the Episode Race a go. The next episode shows the Episode Race, but many a time in the past it just disappeared.

    I will give it a rest for today, and hopefully the Garden Tour will resurface and I get the episode race.

    Also weary of the possible "OOPS'' reported by @Origins7_Dale. I did not see any comments on this after it was reported.

    My current Win Streak is 532. (Better do a screenshot)

  • Michael-6
    Michael-6 Posts: 987
    edited June 2021

    No garden race or episode race or any sort of race whatsoever materialised for me so i just ploughed through the levels. Agree with @Peter_Tornaros , episodes 1 and 3 were very good indeed. You could see from the off that 9574 in episode 2 had the dreaded 5 layers of frosting behind a load of other muck and that you would need a lucky board to pass, and that certainly proved to be the case. Took me quite a few attempts, but it can be done without boosters if the game lets you pass.

    It's hard to say the levels were very straightforward this week, as you know in two weeks time, this thread will be alive with people wondering what the hell has happened after King's monstrous revisions, but there we are!

  • DieOmimi
    DieOmimi Posts: 42,594

    The garden show has appeared with me. @Albert_Heinrich, I play after dinner. The other two are also playing right now and I don't want to stress the points count in our F5.

  • Michael-6
    Michael-6 Posts: 987

    Garden race just appeared in mine too. Oh well, another one missed. Would be much better if these could start at the same time new levels are released. Would make much more sense.

  • Boybinary
    Boybinary Posts: 3,073

    @Scooterpie I think @Spieler_8675309 put it best "you take Can't take them with you to a whole nother level"

    Don't get me wrong I love getting boosters and gold but if it will help me in the slightest to reach the next level I use it! also I like to think of myself as a purist no purchases, no hacks just me against the board, it has got me to the highest level so I just keep rolling with the same strategy.

    BTW, Love your videos and commentary always good for a laugh!!

  • Scooterpie
    Scooterpie Posts: 6,698
    edited June 2021

    @Crazy Cat Lad @LindQ what is up with the Garden contest? Are we changing the days, time and length of this event or are there simply going to be two Garden contests going on each week?

    For the past three weeks my Garden contest has been a 3 day event which ends on Thursday one hour before our regularly scheduled Garden Contest/Dexter/etc. event begins.

    Today I made sure to collect my prize right after my Garden event ended. I wanted to get back into the contest with my buddies. After a little over an hour (regular Garden contest appearance time) I played and the Garden contest came up. Collected my green candies, went on to start collecting color bombs and the game disappeared?

    What is going on???

  • DieOmimi
    DieOmimi Posts: 42,594

    @Scooterpie this happens to me regularly. That's why I first play old levels until the garden show appears. Then I leave the game and open it again. Then everything is fine again. With Dexter it was always like that (at least with me).

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?