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Feedback on levels 9636-9680!



  • Boybinary
    Boybinary Posts: 3,073

    @Sooterpie The Only thing I really don't like about the Jarhead Jelly is that it takes three strikes to free them and then another two or more to clean the jelly with a good board not so bad! they should lower the number of strikes to release to at least two would make it more doable, again nothing I say seems to matter! Have a great day! We really should appreciate the free entertainment, yes at times it is infuriating or the timing of a glitch couldn't be worse, as for me I play by the seat of my pants every week so losing streaks and races and boosters don't bug me that much!

  • DieOmimi
    DieOmimi Posts: 42,576

    It's really a cute discussion here. Since there is the thread about the diamond trophies, I would like to book my progress there. I came into the community when more than a year ago the "bau den bot" disappeared in my game and it was incredibly difficult for me to move forward. The announced replacement with the necklace never arrived with me. I can't lose a Win Streak because I don't have it.ย ๐Ÿคท

    If I hadn't met Albert here in the community, I probably wouldn't play anymore, at least CCS (I have many other games that give me boosters and a sense of achievement. LOL). ๐Ÿคฃ

    I've been playing now (no idea how long) since the game was released mobile. I can still remember that level 350 was an end and I always waited for new levels on Wednesdays. I played, just to have fun.ย ๐Ÿ˜

    At the moment I'm playing because I find you all here sweet with the discussions. Actually, I wanted to stop last December. But somehow it appealed to me to keep going. Not least because of my good F5 team. ๐Ÿ˜

    I'm sure I'll still manage level 10,000. Will I continue to play after that? No idea. Time will come for the answer. โณ๏ธ

  • Boybinary
    Boybinary Posts: 3,073

    @DieOmimi I Feel the Same, if not for great community members like yourself I think I would have quit as well! You are good enough, smart enough, and doggone it people like you! Make it a great day!

  • Albert_Heinrich
    Albert_Heinrich Posts: 2,619

    @Ditte, do you not think that the two are mutually inclusive?

    "Off topic"

    The "SHUFFLE", now you are talking.

    Sitting here and getting nostalgic about all the "good' things there once was. Once upon a time there was a thread about upcoming changes and if memory serves me correctly, @Bumper2019 was one of the players who were very vocal about the changes. You too were there and off course the omnipresent, @Spieler_8675309. Not sure if it is still going

    The great thing about this community is that everyone probably has a different perspective and play for different reasons. Since it is community, discussions is what it is all about. I probably spend more time reading here than playing, lol.

  • Scooterpie
    Scooterpie Posts: 6,698

    Finished this week's episodes, 3 episode races again. I thought this week was a pretty good mix. Even though I knew that level 9665 was fixed I still was apprehensive about it. For the most part enjoyed the levels and marked a lot of them fun. Nothing super stuck out to me. This too is good.

    I do have a question for you @LindQ. Like other players I would like more Samantha as an order. Is this a difficult task? Is it hard to make Sam play well with others?

    As far as the "SHUFFLE" it was a good glitch. It took a while to fix it too! For me it came and went for the longest time. One of the good glitches and we all worked it. Oh Yeah!

  • Spieler_8675309
    Spieler_8675309 Posts: 4,308
    edited June 2021


    Feedback on levels 9636-9680

    Done 'em...

    Well, the episode/fast race appeared for the first & third episodes.

    Those episodes were completed on different days, so players are getting screwed over for finishing them too quickly (or at least on the same day).

    And the stupid changes from early 2020 thread (der Spieler is over it by now, but will still let folks know about it) is still going on (but sleeping ATM, does anyone wanna wake it up?); the shuffle is not, however.

    Good glitches, eh?

    Whatever those would be (& however they might be reproduced), the clever players don't write about 'em in here; oh yeah...

  • DieOmimi
    DieOmimi Posts: 42,576

    While in levels with the Magic Mixer there is always a warning not to destroy it, in levels this is not the case where it might be helpful for the player. In level 9664 I happened that I couldn't do the order lock (chocolate) because I had already eliminated the chocolate. There was also no "oops, not enough order targets available". ๐Ÿ™„

    I think there is still work to be done on the system messages @LindQ.

    In the end, I played the level again (since I don't have the win streak function, I couldn't lose it either) and got sugar stars. Thus, my diamond trophy was secured.ย ๐Ÿ˜…

    Let's see what awaits us from Wednesday. @Albert_Heinrich we are almost at 7000 points (there are still 20 missing, so once applicants or a sugar star level, then there is a UFO). The time boosters are nice but not useful when you're at the end of the map. ๐Ÿคท

  • LindQ
    LindQ Posts: 562

    It is possible to use Samantha as an order more often, but it always takes slightly more time to design levels with Samantha, since she's so OP! Needs great balance ๐Ÿ˜‰ But we also didn't know that you wanted her specifically as an order target, but we have noted it down and are working on including it more! We are a few weeks ahead with levels though so in a few weeks we might see more ๐Ÿ˜„

    @DieOmimi We have noted that, and I passed that onto the operators that are responsible for pop up text etc.

  • ruhiu
    ruhiu Posts: 24

    Level 3

    Where do i get level 9636 it has not yet been released to google play store

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?