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Why did you start playing Candy Crush Saga?



  • nebularcrybaby
    nebularcrybaby Posts: 2

    Level 1

    Honestly, I started playing because I was bored. I was also stressed out. The colored candies and funny announcements "Divine," "Sweet," Sugar Crush" made me laugh and forget about whatever was going on, at least for a moment. Switching candies is a simple concept but it really eases you when you need relaxation and release.

  • alwaysdeer
    alwaysdeer Posts: 2

    Level 1

    Fun game to play and helps pass the time when bored

  • Autumn76
    Autumn76 Posts: 16

    Level 2

    A friend told me about it and Iove it.

  • peggyvereen
    peggyvereen Posts: 214

    It's a challenge for me it's hard to stop playing you just keep playing love candy crush saga

  • gemazing
    gemazing Posts: 153

    Everyone I knew was playing it so I gave it a go and got hooked.

    I now play it daily, more when I'm having a bad day like today x

  • Küstenbengel87
    Küstenbengel87 Posts: 7

    Level 2

    Als ich im Krankenhaus lag und vor langeweile fast eingegangen bin hat mich ein Freund auf candy crush aufmerksam gemacht. Habe angefangen und bin bis heute dabei geblieben...

  • bkychau
    bkychau Posts: 8,593

    I wanted to find out what this game is.

  • Kaos2021
    Kaos2021 Posts: 10

    Level 2

    I started playing while I was going through chemotherapy for breast cancer 7 years ago. I wasn't suppose to live through the cancer, but I did! Candy Crush was a constant for me then and is still a daily constant for me now. As frustrating as the game can be at times, I still find that it relaxes me.

  • rjpier
    rjpier Posts: 5

    Level 2

    I stumbled upon this game when I was on facebook. I unsubscribed from facebook and continued with King. I think the first thing was the colors. The game has nice eye appeal. It is not a complicated game but it is challenging. Sometimes frustrating when I get stuck for weeks or too many days. This is the best avoidance tool I have ever come across. When I want to put off doing something productive, I play. I think it helps me when I make progress on the game while I am procrastinating. I like to play when I am on the phone. I have people that love to talk contacting me. Time flies by when I play. It feels good to make achievements on each level.

  • crackles
    crackles Posts: 5

    Level 2

    I have been playing from the start

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