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Feedback on levels 9771-9800!



  • Boybinary
    Boybinary Posts: 3,073
    edited July 2021

    close as I can get! @LindQ 9799 (NO BOOSTERS)

  • Peter_Tornaros
    Peter_Tornaros Posts: 2,226

    @LindQ @Crazy Cat Lad Finished 30 excellent levels. A bit of everything, even the Rainbow Rapids levels were mostly enjoyable, especially those that featured Samantha. It was really great to have Samantha the frog making regular appearances.

    This week we want to know how you feel about the following things!

    1 If you could change one thing about a level, what would it be?

    Although I got through by using a lucky candy to start and a UFO and 2 hammers to finish, Level 9799 needs urgent tweaking. It needs either less toffee or more moves.

    2 Which one of these two was your favorite episode?

    Episode 2. It had everything - great Samantha levels (9786, 9794, 9795), fun levels (9790, 9791), hard levels (9789, 9799), enjoyable Rainbow Rapids levels (9795, 9797) and finally an outstanding different level, 9792, that took me back years with 3 Color Bomb/ Striped Candy combos as a target. Episode 1 was also enjoyable with Level 9782 the pick, a Rainbow Rapids level that also involved chasing plenty of colors. 9772, a Samantha level, was not far behind.

    3 What was your absolute favorite level? Which level would you like to play one more time?

    9792, closely followed by 9782.

  • John_58011
    John_58011 Posts: 212

    Yes 9799 probably needs reporting. I took warning, and began with Lucky Candy and put a focus on the Toffee Swirls. Having done that, was in trouble with bringing down the fruits .... too many blockers to get through. 9793 was trouble too, with too many bubblegum needed with one move left.

    9786, had Samantha, but not enough moves if Color Bombs do not show, with no CB cannon. Hard level without a lucky board, as in my case. On the other side of the coin, got lucky board on 9797, and passed no IGB with 6 moves to spare.

    The level with the 3 count bomb cannon was fun, with the same cannon dispensing only two colours of candy and Color Bombs, is another level I would play over and over again.

    Level to change : yes 9799. Order or amount of blockers put on the board, probably needs tweaking.

  • LindQ
    LindQ Posts: 562

    I'll definitely look into 9799, and look up how it got through the testing process if it really is impossible 😅

  • Mim_
    Mim_ Posts: 637

    Level 9799. I am so disgusted I had to purchase lucky candies and I used up to 60 precious gold bars nobody told me the level was reported even they knew it was almost impossible

  • Michael-6
    Michael-6 Posts: 987

    Going through the second episode, stopping at 9799 until it is confirmed it isn't impossible. Agree with others, a harder episode than the first, some excellent levels in there too. Surprised to see an order requirement for stripes+colour bombs in one level, haven't seen that in ages! A level in the first episode had order requirements for three candy colours, haven't seen that in a while too. Bringing back some old school stuff!

    A note- if the windows 10 levels are going to be released in a state much closer to the final release, can the rest of the game be brought up to scratch too? Such as working episode races and a chocolate box available for all players?

  • Boybinary
    Boybinary Posts: 3,073
    edited July 2021

    Still can not beat this level!

    something changed but still no go (no boosters)

  • Scooterpie
    Scooterpie Posts: 6,698

    @Boybinary I have not started the 2nd episode as of yet. But yikes!

    @Spieler_8675309 you certainly have been amusing me around the community! Funny and clever so I see....

    ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ🤔

  • santo_chris97
    santo_chris97 Posts: 1,494
    edited July 2021

    You can finish level 9799 if you used Lucky Candy at the start of the level. Luckily, I used CB + SWC + Lucky Candy and completed level 9799.

    I didn't really know if 9799 was impossible because I just checked the recent comment in this post.

    Overall, this episode is very hard to nearly impossible. But, I passed all levels and used 2 FSs in this episode.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?