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Feedback on levels 9846-9890!



  • Peter_Tornaros
    Peter_Tornaros Posts: 2,232

    @Crazy Cat Lad @LindQ I have completed what I can only describe as 3 Episodes of enjoyment. Well done to the designers involved.

    This week we want to know how you feel about the following things!

    1 Was any level too easy for you? Any level that was a piece of cake?

    9877, closely followed by 9849

    2 Which level was the most special? Any level that caught your eye?

    A lot of special levels this week. All the levels featuring Samantha were great. But the finale Level 9890 was something special with plenty of color, in fact it had everything.

    3 What was your absolute favorite level? Which level would you like to play one more time?

    Naturally it is a Samantha level, 9873. Plenty of tactics needed to position the frog to complete the cherry orders. 9860 with Samantha as an order was not far behind.

    The only level I didn't like was 9885 which I found to be a nothing, boring level. However it did not detract from the overall excellence of this week's 45 levels.

  • John_58011
    John_58011 Posts: 212

    First episode quite easy, second episode much harder, with two bad levels. Done the first two episodes.

    The level which was too easy, a piece of cake, has to be 9850. Maybe I had good board, but it melted away with 20 moves in hand, with usual Win Streak and PGB, no IGB required.

    Q.2 9854. Very challenging, all eyes on Samantha of course, no IGB required but just two moves left. No need to panic, if moves are getting low, enjoy a very decent challenge, needed Win Streak (extra moves).

    Worst level 9874. Maybe a bad board, but felt like the worst Rapids level of all time. Had 34 moves, but the playing field to make the special candies and amount of them required to get the blockers taken at the bottom was not good. In fact, by the time the last Order Lock was taken, there were less than 5 moves left, with plenty of frosting at the bottom to take, the last corner frosting still in Licorice Locks. Anyone agree that level was dire ? I wait until I see more feedback, before suggesting the level to be reported. Other bad level, the one before, 9873, with a total of 5 LH required to clear the level before getting out of moves. 27 moves (with Win Streak and the extra move) was not enough to take the Order Locks, MMs and bring six cherries to their exits, whilst clearing all of the jellies.

    Quite a lot of hard to get Sour Skulls and jellies in that second episode. Good luck to all.

  • santo_chris97
    santo_chris97 Posts: 1,494

    Second episode completed!

    I have some trouble in the following levels:

    Level 9862: Used 1 UFO to clear toffee layers but still ineffective. Critical at 5 moves left, 8 cherries and 15 toffee layers left. So I used 1 FS and 2 LHs to save my moves and I got a lucky match at 1 move left.

    Level 9865: suspected as the hardest level in this episode. Still many jellies at 5 moves left and I decided to use 1 FS and 2 LHs to complete this level.

    Level 9871: I ran out of moves and 7 toffee layers left. I paid 10 GB to add 5 moves to the level and I used 2 LHs to complete this level.

    I think this episode is harder than the previous episode.

    I'm ready for the last episode tonight!

  • Marina_Zakon
    Marina_Zakon Posts: 72

    Level 3

    @LindQ @Crazy Cat Lad Am I the only one who noticed that UFO and fish no longer land on much needed candies to break? Instead, they randomly select candies that do not need to be destroyed defeating the purpose of these boosters. Please advise.

  • Goldenswordz
    Goldenswordz Posts: 552

    Fish have always landed on random candies except jelly. UFO's are inconsistent in behaviour, sometimes they target goals and sometimes they don't.

  • Spieler_8675309
    Spieler_8675309 Posts: 4,308
    edited July 2021


    Feedback on levels 9846-9890

    Ellos están terminados (hasta el próximo miércoles)...

    And week 5 of the one episode per day experiment, same as last week; not much else to comment on right now...

  • Boybinary
    Boybinary Posts: 3,079

    you may be done until next Wednesday but in what language are you going to post in, that's the exciting part!

  • santo_chris97
    santo_chris97 Posts: 1,494

    Yes, finished all levels in this week. It's time to relax and just wait for the next week.

  • John_58011
    John_58011 Posts: 212

    Final episode was no trouble, kicked off with 9876, to use before moving 2 LH to make a CB x 2 Combo. Did not know by doing that, would finish the level after only 7 moves played. 9879 gave most trouble with hard to get jellies. No problems with 9889, probably had a lucky board no IGB used at all.

    9863 is the level to play over and over again. Samantha and Color Bomb cannons the reason why. Strategy plays itself even if not realise there was only one column to clear, the first time I played the level. Been back to it several times.

    All finished with a fun level as final level.

    Second episode, very hard, compared to the first and third.

  • Spieler_8675309
    Spieler_8675309 Posts: 4,308
    edited July 2021


    Yes, finished all levels in this week; it's time to relax and just wait for the next week.

    What, no star tournament for ya?

    It's time to relax=getting (a little bit) lazy...

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?