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💡 Please only post ideas on how we can improve the game Candy Crush Saga!
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A search box added to the game



  • Pollocks
    Pollocks Posts: 1

    Level 1

    Sweet game, as always.

  • Fences
    Fences Posts: 1,122

    I think this ideas section is abandoned...

  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,531

    Hi guys, I'm just as frustrated as you but I do know that the CMs are presenting it to the studio. It just might not be a priority on their end because they are making so many changes to the game. *keeping fingers crossed that it happens in the near future*

  • Fences
    Fences Posts: 1,122

    Let's get this to 600 votes! We can do this!

  • a_trost
    a_trost Posts: 740

    Seeing this has been being positively discussed for 2 years and has so many upvotes, it makes me wonder if any of the ideas here have actually happened. I'm still new here, if anybody knows of an idea that came to be let me, (& others) know!

    Thanks. 🌼🏵️🌸🌺💮

  • Fences
    Fences Posts: 1,122

    None of the ideas actually got implemented.

    Because they can't get their god damn priorities straight.

  • maryjoker22
    maryjoker22 Posts: 7

    Level 2

    Hola! Todavía atascada en nivel 1055 porque nadie puede decirme cómo conseguir las tres ranas en candu crush. No sé cómo cambiarles el color ni nada .. esto es cansador😪😪. Podrían poner en cada pantalla como lograr el objetivo de cada cosa me parece no?

  • Spieler_8675309
    Spieler_8675309 Posts: 4,308



    I'm still stuck at level 1055 because no one can tell me how to get the three frogs...

    ¡Hola, @maryjoker22!

    Just watch the following video, it is self-explanatory (solo mira el siguiente video, es autoexplicativo):

    Click here for Spanish, but write your messages in English over here; and stay safe out there (haga clic aquí para español, pero escriba sus mensajes en inglés aquí; y mantente a salvo allá afuera)...

  • reaper9897
    reaper9897 Posts: 20

    Level 3

    They are too busy making levels impossible to beat without using boosters so we feel forced to buy them which I refuse to do. Last night spent an hour on an impossible level and just gave up. Almost every level in the 2400s either takes forever to do or you need boosters to actually finish them in a normal amount of time. Stuck on 2448 right now because it's just ridiculous. I dread to see how levels are past 3000 lol.

  • With me 564!!! 😃

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?