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Mr Toffee's Secret Vault



  • asleco
    asleco Posts: 48

    Level 3

    Could anyone tell me how to play Mr. Toffee's vault. I keep playing and playing but i didn't get any points. It has 110 game level to complete the task and i already played 3x but still didn't have any points. Please, could anyone explain me this and how to get a points...thanks in advance!

  • lelensp
    lelensp Posts: 52,948

    Is this what appears in your mr toffees secret vault.

    All you have to do is complete your current level up to the goaled number of levels. Like this one i should be able to complete 50 levels and i got 2 already. After completing 50 levels the vault will open with sweet mysteries.

  • Crazy Cat Lad
    Crazy Cat Lad Posts: 14,121

    Hi @asleco !

    In Mr Toffee's Secret Vault you need to pass levels.

    For every new level you complete you will get one "point" in the challenge.

    You can find all info about the Fireworks Festival events HERE.

  • asleco
    asleco Posts: 48

    Level 3

    @lelensp so it means i need to play my current level to complete the task? But unfortunately i went out of level and i need to wait til Wednesday. And that is the reason why I didn't get any points no matter how many times i played on that Mr. Toffee's vault. OMG! These cutting levels really giving me a hard time. First, i lost in Crusher's League, now, i dont even have a chance to play and get rewards on Mr. Toffee's vault. Ayayay..what a bad luck for me. It seems i totally lost my chance to play on every sad..tsk! ๐Ÿ˜Ÿ but thanks anyway for replying on my question.. Blessings to you! ๐Ÿ™

  • gnjprasad
    gnjprasad Posts: 9

    Level 2

    I have completed 10004 levels. Ba;ance levels available are 21. Even if you add another 45 levels which will be released on Wednesday I cannot complete 110 levels. This is unfair for people who are at top of the candy crush. For many players who have thousands of levels you have given 30 levels.

  • asleco
    asleco Posts: 48

    Level 3

    Hello @Crazy Cat Lad .. My bad luck, i need to wait til Wednesday to pass a new level. Anyway i fully understand now how to play that game.. Still thanks for the info. Blessings! ๐Ÿ™

  • asleco
    asleco Posts: 48

    Level 3

    @gnjprasad i feel you! Did you know i was top1 the 3rd week event of Crushers League, and im saving all my booster for the final event. But unfortunately there are no levels to play anymore so i lost. I am really disappointed and frustrated at the same time..hayyssss.. Why do they have to cut the levels on time that there are so many events. Now I didn't get any rewards..hahaha.. This is very i feel you..

  • asleco
    asleco Posts: 48

    Level 3

    I just wish on Wednesday, they release a hundred levels, enough for me to win on any event. ๐Ÿ˜Š

  • lelensp
    lelensp Posts: 52,948

    Its really impossible to complete the task when you are at the 10000 level since new levels release are very few.

  • asleco
    asleco Posts: 48

    Level 3

    @lelensp .. If its impossible, why giving us an event? Anyway i will stop playing CCS for now. I will just wait til maybe 2houndred levels to be release.

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