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Feedback on levels 10 265 - 10 325



  • Boybinary
    Boybinary Posts: 3,073
    edited September 2021

    I think they replaced the ER with chocolate deluxe to get your gold bars kind of strange I got all boosters and 1 hr of life and they waited for the hour to expire before giving the 20 bars! I guess they didn't want to make it to easy!

    Woah did you notice the post number!!! it is a sign!!!

    it was 666 until I edited it! Haha

  • Been going through the first episode after getting distracted up until now. 10266 got fixed by the time I played it. Lost the Candy Necklace after not enough frosting available, on 10272. My fault for not counting and making lots of fishes.

    Other levels were very hard, with Order Lock featuring again more than once. . Order Lock can be twice as difficult as Sour Skulls, when the Orders are put in very hard places. Then you've got less moves left than if you had Sour Skulls !

  • Marina_Zakon
    Marina_Zakon Posts: 72

    Level 3

    Talking to dev team is like talking to a wall or to my husband - same results - nothing gets updated or reviewed unless mistake is clearly visible, then they push a fix and go back to creating more levels that cannot be passed without multiple boosters/GBs/extra moves. QA is non-existent as we already figured out. But they got one of the Kardashian's endorsement (insert eyeroll). Nothing but frustration for the past several months.

  • Albert_Heinrich
    Albert_Heinrich Posts: 2,619
    edited September 2021

    @John_58011, I also lost my Streak on that level. It could be a glitch.

    There are supposed to be enough orders on the board or that is what was said earlier this year, when the "OOPS" was said to have been "Outlawed" for levels going forward.

    There are no warnings at the start of the level.

    Maybe they were just a bit more subtle, by omitting the "OOPS".

    My Streak was over 500, what was yours?

    I know loosing the Streak means nothing, other than having PGB's, but there is a competitive nature in some of us.

    Maybe @Boybinary's theory is right. Lol

  • Montrachet
    Montrachet Posts: 42

    Level 3

    @LindQ - I can't quite find the words that describe my heartfelt gratitude for the generosity shown by all at 'King'. I am both truly humbled and more motivated than ever to reach 1st place again in future challenges. BEST. DATE. EVER. ❤️

  • Tzvi_Marcu
    Tzvi_Marcu Posts: 2,593

    @Montrachet My was same but not all have the short, my wife's is till Monday

  • @Montrachet, i got a colour bomb for what was apparently only the second best date ever. Makes sense!

  • Michael-6
    Michael-6 Posts: 987
    edited September 2021

    I eventually got past 10279 as the level started spewing more wrappers. 10280 is another treat of a lottery level. Really poor end to the first episode.

    Like @Peter_Tornaros my episode race also disappeared after 10281.

    The second episode is indeed full of cascade heavy levels, a few in the middle are quite hard. Many are quite enjoyable though.

    Starting the third episode and 10297 is another mess. The colour bomb dispenser could do with delivering a lot more frequently, although it is in a completely useless place anyway.

  • DieOmimi
    DieOmimi Posts: 42,577

    My purple candy competition also runs until Monday.  

    So still enough time to maintain my 1st place.

    As expected, the flag disappeared from the episode race when I finished the first level of the second episode. For this I got the deluxe box of chocolates and can pick up 20 GB tomorrow. 

    I didn't remember the level, but in the second episode I was close to this level because I had collected the keys too slowly. Only had to use a few IGB, no GB consumed.

    Pack my suitcase now, it's back home from vacation. 6 hours by train through the countryside. 

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