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Please remove Kardashians



  • bonham
    bonham Posts: 3

    Level 1

    I agree, what a distraction. I thought C.C. motto was chill out and relax. All the Kardashian's are is drama. I used to play daily. I have not played since I have to stare at the drama queen. And now find myself quickly getting out of the habit of coming here to play. Maybe a blessing in disquise.

  • tma9876
    tma9876 Posts: 2

    Level 1

    Actually doing the opposite. Since no longer playing until they're gone.

  • Thorstein
    Thorstein Posts: 20

    Level 3

    You know we've discussed how much we dislike the piece of human trash called Kloe Kardashian. It's all over your game. People are refusing to play until it's gone, but now I get a Candy Crush email with her in it? Why? I never get emails from King but I do now.

    Are you trolling us because we said your paid promotion from garbage human beings is terrible?

  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 170,723

    Welcome to Sweet King Community! 👑

    Which King's game have you playing? 😊

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    Have a nice and safety day! 😊

  • Tzvi_Marcu
    Tzvi_Marcu Posts: 2,593

    I wonder if all month you will be talking about it. You do exactly what they want advertising.

  • arbysarby
    arbysarby Posts: 1

    Level 1

    How can I turn off the Kardashian face on this game. I'm not impressed with any of them & it pains me to play this game now.

  • Aflorrs683
    Aflorrs683 Posts: 2

    Level 1

    I've been a supporter of the king company for a very long time I spent several hundred dollars on several games within your company. I've always been pleased but when I saw a Kardashian on the game I was very disappointed. I don't support the Kardashians and I don't believe in the things they believe and because of that if you continue to support them then I cannot support you

    They have plastered themselves all over the world I don't need to be reminded about them or their lives.

    Respectfully a long time gamer

  • DebraPearl
    DebraPearl Posts: 11

    Level 2

    I am with all of you on this. Never watched the Kardashians and never plan to.

  • Sayona
    Sayona Posts: 9

    Level 2

    King isn't going to take that witch off - I saw an advertisement for that game on the game show network, yesterday or the day before. That means King has invested money and they hope we'll play and give them our money. Fat chance.

  • laurie1
    laurie1 Posts: 1

    Level 1

    Get rid of Kylie! You have ruined the game! Yuck!

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