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πŸ†οΈ ο»ΏMaster Trophy temporary on hold



  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 170,716

    Okay! Thanks! @Crazy Cat Lad πŸ‘ŒπŸ˜Š

  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 16,617
    edited September 2021

    Quote Crazy Cat Lad;

    As you may have noticed already, the Master Trophy feature is no longer appearing in the game.

    The Master Trophy was removed from the game to be researched and to be reworked on, to update it to something sweeter and bigger.

    At the moment there is no time frame on when the feature will be back, but we will keep you updated here in the Community as soon as we have any Master Trophy news.

    So as I suspected not removed as the result of some random test, but deliberately removed by King. Nuff said as a great man once said.

    It is a real shame the announcement didn't come before the removal.

    @Crazy Cat Lad If they can remove the Master Trophy for research why can't they remove the features that suffer with the 'server error'. That is, until it is working correctly why can't Sam's Streak be removed?

  • Nat09
    Nat09 Posts: 12,561

    Thanks for the info @Crazy Cat Lad 😊🐰

  • arwen777
    arwen777 Posts: 1,394

    @doncoyote don't feel silly for trying to win the trophies! The trophies had a purpose. Aside from status, they were giving you extra moves on your next levels, extra lives and of course more points on every level! Things that were essential as you were going from one milestone to another. Now all that are gone! They just made the game so much more difficult for all of us! 😀

  • Thanks for the info @Crazy Cat Lad, I was at 1st place on sam's streak and then unfortunately the next day it disappeared!

  • I believe if you have a older version of CCS, you still have the trophy.

  • arwen777
    arwen777 Posts: 1,394

    @Kazza-3 I started a discussion about the milestone badge yesterday. It's at the following link if you're interested. Btw, the feature appeared properly on my account. The windows 10 app has it listed in my features, but it doesn't showing up in my events! 😡

  • I agree with you! The 10% score function was really helpful and very easy to obtain.

  • Origins7_Dale
    Origins7_Dale Posts: 3,551
    edited September 2021

    Hi @arwen777 @greddycandy, @Pounawea @Crazy Cat Lad, *Kingster @LindQ @Yosca @Nix66 @Pitty_Kitty,

    *For @arwen777:

    The *Milestone Badge is not the replacement, for the *Master Trophy Feature! Because I had it, before the *Master Trophy Feature was *Removed! The *Milestone Badge is the *10,000 Marker on your *Avatar, along with other *Levels you did, in it. There are *10 Markers, from *Level 1000 to *Level 10,000! That is all it is, a *Badge Marker! Can even turn it off in *Features / Settings!

    More info above on it.


    *For @greddycandy, You ask:

    • @Origins7_DaleΒ since Masters Trophies is removed from the game what happens to Masters of Master Trophies event?

    Until it is *Returned according to @Crazy Cat Lad on *Page 1:

    • As you may have noticed already, the Master Trophy feature is no longer appearing in the game.
    • The Master Trophy was removed from the game to be researched and to be reworked on, to update it to something sweeter and bigger.
    • At the moment there is no time frame on when the feature will be back, but we will keep you updated here in the Community as soon as we have any Master Trophy news.


    You continue to get *Diamond Trophies, with either *Golden Crowns or *Sugar Stars! However, you will not see the *Diamond Trophies on your *Saga Map, until the *Master Trophy Feature is returned!

    For example, using myself:

    • *Got *Master Trophies Feature on 1/18/2021, with *395 Diamond Master Trophies!
    • *Lost *Master Trophies Feature On 9/27/2021, with *576 Diamond Master Trophies, at *Level 13,310!

    Didn't see those *395 Diamond Trophies until 1/18/2021, when I got the *Master Trophy Feature tho. Listed my *Last Episode Level 13,310, so I know where to pick up again, once the *Feature returns. To check if, I improved on my *Trophy Count.

    Best you *Read my post at bottom of *Page 65 at *URL below:

    It is loaded with *Tips & Info on this feature. Including *Adding Friends to get *Free Lives, for doing *Sugar Stars, which you will need, etc...

    Unless *King Studio changes something here, the above stands for now.

    Some of the things that need improving are:

    • *Very High Scoring Counts On *Sugar Stars On Some Of The Lower Levels! Like *1 Million Points Needed For *Sugar Stars On Level 183! Which I Finally Got btw!
    • *Lost Of a *Golden Crown On *1st Attempt, Because Of The *Oops Levels! Meaning You Lost Before Moving, Or On The 1st Move! Like *Oops Level 8502! Only a *10 Tile Board, With *Chocolate Goals! Both @Albert_Heinrich & @rajdeeptb Lost On It Also, Might Be Others! Board Is Too Small To Get Required Points On *Sugar Stars & Is A *Chocolate Goal Level! It Is Impossible To Get *Sugar Stars On It, At This Time!
    • *Some Levels Unable To Get *Sugar Stars, Because Of The Size Or Arrangement Of The Board, Or Goals! Like *Chocolate Levels, Because It Waste Moves On Having To Wait On Regeneration Of Chocolate! One Example Above!
    • *Missing *Diamond Trophies On *Saga Map, Even Tho Requirements To Get Them Was Done! Might Be A *Graphic Glitch?

    Trust this helps.

    Cyas Origins7 Dale, πŸ˜€


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