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🏆️ Master Trophy temporary on hold



  • doncoyote
    doncoyote Posts: 88

    Level 3

    @arwen777 - I forgot about all those perks (I tend to zone out when playing, using Candy Crush as a distraction for chronic pain)! Okay, I retract my feeling of being silly. 😐

    I agree that game changes do often seem (to me, just my overall impression) to make playing harder, causing me (if not others) to buy more boosters in order to pass levels. I have fun, anyway, but sometimes get annoyed that I have to pay to play. I know that, technically, you don’t - but some levels past the 1000 or 2000 mark are impossible for me without boosters, and free ones are not enough. This may be due to my lack of skill, tho!

    And the daily wheel gives me the rolling booster so many times!!

  • @Alienscar have you read this answer from the support?

    It's just what I was trying to explain. Perhaps the translator or the way it is read was not correct. I hope you understand this better. I never said that the tests are random, you understood it that way. What is random are the players that king chooses. For king it is obviously not random, they choose who they want. But players have no guarantee if or when they will pick them.

    That is why they can choose all of the United States, or China or the United Kingdom or Europe if they want, but never everyone at the same time.

    I hope it is finally understood 🙏

  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 16,612

    @hechicerilla have you read the announcement from Crazy Cat Lad

    As you may have noticed already, the Master Trophy feature is no longer appearing in the game.

    The Master Trophy was removed from the game to be researched and to be reworked on, to update it to something sweeter and bigger.

    At the moment there is no time frame on when the feature will be back, but we will keep you updated here in the Community as soon as we have any Master Trophy news.

    The removal of the Master Trophy is a deliberate act by King, so therefore a targeted response. This is at odds with usual support response.

    What is random are the players that king chooses. For king it is obviously not random, they choose who they want. 

    Sorry Hechicerilla something must have got lost in translation as what you say is too contradictory to make sense.

    It is plain from how the All Stars and Master Trophy have been handled that they have more control over how many players can get a feature (or not) than they admit to.

    As I have said before the Booster Wheel seems to indicate that a larger population of the players can get a feature than do at present.

  • Deryck
    Deryck Posts: 1,376

    That 10% score boost sometimes made all the difference in getting sugar stars. If something does replace the feature, hopefully they add even more score boost since often 10% isn't enough.

  • arwen777
    arwen777 Posts: 1,394

    You're right @Deryck. Personally, I'll miss the extra moves the most! In some hard levels they made all the difference! 😢

  • Thanks @Crazy Cat Lad for taggin me

  • SandMan3425
    SandMan3425 Posts: 18

    Level 2

    So, I see that they are 'reworking' the Master Crowns thing and it (or something bigger) will return at some point... What I'm curious about is this: I go back periodically to work on my goal of sugar stars on every possible level, as well as collecting crowns.... Whenever King comes back with whatever it is, will the progress I make in the meantime be reflected?

  • After updating it something good has to happen or else what? At least 5 extra moves for a diamond trophy?

  • It would be really good because 5 extra moves from trophy and other 3 from win streak 5 and above- 8 extra moves!

    13 move level turned to 21 moves!

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