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Hoping we get an option to turn off Sweet Crew soon

DukeSR8 Posts: 80

Level 3

It sucks how we're forced into it and we can't disable it. Why can't I just play without the game forcing me into a crew?


  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 16,562

    Hi @DukeSR8 Here is what I said in your other Discussion on this subject.

    I really don't understand all of the negativity towards the Sweet Crew. You are forced into every event that takes place in Candy Crush. Heartfelt Harvest, Fall In Love, Secret Crush, Crusher League and the like also gave you no choice other than to play. You can cross out of them instead of pressing play, but that doesn't actually stop you from having to take part in the event. Why then are you so upset by the Sweet Crew?

    The only real difference that I can see is that in Sweet Crew you have to send your crew a free booster/life. The booster/life isn't yours it is totally free, so I really struggle to understand why anyone would not want to take part. If you don't mind playing for an hour the rewards aren't bad either.

  • DukeSR8
    DukeSR8 Posts: 80

    Level 3

    At least you can ignore those events and deliberately fail them by not reaching the collected candy goal to avoid the rewards, Sweet Crew you really can't because your teammates will likely carry even if you keep intentionally quitting out of levels.

    Also the fact that some people might prefer playing solo without any help from others is another reason why you should be able to disable it.

  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 16,562

    I understand the desire to play Candy Crush solo, and for the most part I think Candy Crush is a solitary game. Whilst all of the events have a leader board, and you have a group of friends that can send you lives overall you can just ignore all of that and play your own game. So I can see that there maybe a slight difference between Sweet Crew and the normal events

    Do you have and do you use the Booster Wheel? If you do can't you maybe try and just think of the Sweet Crew rewards as something you have been given by the game, and try to forget about the players involved? Whilst the whole team has to achieve fifty levels you can just think of the rewards as something you got for playing your levels. If you think about it Sweet Crew isn't really a team game. If one player completes all fifty levels then everyone gets the reward regardless of their lack of input.

  • courtemanche437
    courtemanche437 Posts: 13

    Level 2

    edited October 2021

    I'm starting every level with a striped candy and a wrapped candy on the board because of Sweet Crew and I do not want that! I want to be able to play every level without forced arbitrary assistance like this!

  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 16,562

    Well if you really don't want the assistance @courtemanche437 you can wait one hour and the timed boosters will run out.

  • mike19
    mike19 Posts: 7

    Level 2

    I totally agree with you. Have been lucky enough to not have the sweet crew until today. Now I was forced into a crew. I dislike how King introduce this kind of things and refuse to listen to the players. How hard could it be to add an option like you did with fantastic five? It sucks when you have played a game almost everyday for 10 years and now see no other option than quit because I don't like this kind of forced interaction.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?