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Feedback on levels 10 265 - 10 325



  • manavision
    manavision Posts: 56

    Level 3

    It seems (correct me if i am wrong, pls), These feedbacks are just propaganda by CandyCrush to boost the enthusiasm and thereby economics. Infact it is misinformation.

    Most comments here are from the people who play the (easier) early release., constituting a very small percentage of people who play the later nerfed, impossible releases., where i belong.

    After 10000 you have outdone yourself, there are numerous levels which simply cannot be completed without many boosters...

    lets take 10289 (thats where i am wondering if i should keep playing)... It is not even marked as Hard... In 75 spaces you need 195 (protected by multiple layers and not visible till you get rid of all the protection) jelly squares in 20 moves... to begin with you have only 12 squares open, with 4 colours, it takes at least 5 moves (if you are lucky) to get more squares into play... if anyone can show me a video of this being completed without boosters, i will be gladly corrected.

    @LindQ ... i am tagging you as you are one of the designers... can i challenge anyone of the designers / developers to finish nerfed levels like this without boosters...

    Let's just say if these tactics continue, the fan club will surely reduce drastically....

  • LindQ
    LindQ Posts: 562

    Well unfortunately I cannot decide who comments on the posts. I do wish we got more feedback from mobile players! Especially feedback on level design, and not just difficulty. We do look over and review levels daily, and try to find a good balance in how players get through levels in terms of difficulty anyway, so that is something we can see. However, we cannot see your thoughts about specific levels, episodes, designs etc. That's why we have these threads! 😊

  • fizaaa
    fizaaa Posts: 38

    Level 3

    I'm a mobile player and here's my feedback for the levels from around 9500-current (10K plus):

    I can't even focus on the design and what I like about the levels because I'm so frustrated. Each level provides too few moves and too many requirements, requiring boosters and extra moves to win. Playing a level many times is frustrating and becomes boring and not enjoyable. I'm currently stuck on 10291 which is absurd. The # of moves was recently reduced while the requirements increased, and it's not even labeled as a hard level. Come on! You can be more creative without reducing moves and increasing requirements. 

  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 16,661

    @fizaaa You can be more creative without reducing moves and increasing requirements

    I don't think they can be more creative. Using a level editor to create new levels means they are just moving existing elements around and they don't actually create anything new. All the required coding has already been completed and the use of the editor allows for cheap 'design'.

    You can see the effect of this by all of the complaints about how similar levels are becoming. This is because the level editor only allows them to drag and drop existing elements into an existing framework. It doesn't allow for creativity.

    To be more creative I guess they would have to do more coding and that would be more costly. Candy Crush is on its last legs I would say and Activision don't want to invest much on its upkeep.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5

    Level 2

    Level 10312 is crappy as heck. How could you give only 22 moves for 132 blocks? Been stuck at this level for days. No boosters, nothing extra. I literally had over 1000 Gold bars till I passed level 10,000 but since passing it I've had to use gold bars to pass levels. This game is really starting to suck. 😫😩🤬🥵😡

  • @Alienscar I doubt the game is on its last legs, but a major overhaul to the game is definitely due soon.

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