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Can someone please tell me about sending lives to others??

Trimper Posts: 8

Level 2

Hi y'all & if you're reading this I hope you're having a great day😊

I've searched for help but can't seem to find the answer to my specific question. Don't know if it matters but I'm playing on a Kindle Fire & have not connected thru FB. I received a life from someone named Player. If I go to the leader board I can see this person based on their picture. If I could just click somewhere on their icon it would be easy to reciprocate the favor but nooooo 😆 Also tried to send them a life when I opened the 'mail' on the game but alas, no dice. It would be so easy for the "Imagineers" at King to add a little baby button to click & send a life back as thanks. Can someone help me understand why this seems so hard?🙏


  • Glenn1972
    Glenn1972 Posts: 16,650

    Hi @Trimper ,

    When you open your game to play you will see a ❤️ next to other players Avatar. Just tap on the heart to give others a life.

    You can also scroll down to send a life if the player hasn't reached your level

  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 16,666

    If your game looks anything like mine @Trimper then when you play a level, or lose a level people that you can send lives to appear at the bottom of the board.

    You can click on the send lives to send lives to all the people on the list, or just click on a heart and send a life to that player.

    If a person is sending you lives then you should be able to find that player in the list.

  • Trimper
    Trimper Posts: 8

    Level 2

    Thank ya both @Alienscar & @Glenn1972 but neither answer helps me out. Your answers are clear but don’t seem to apply to my Kindle Fire. No where do other players ‘pop up’ for me. Only if I go to the leaderboard or to the Events page can I see lists of players. And on those lists there is no where I can find to click🤦‍♀️ Maybe each device has a different version? idk

    Again, thanks bunches for replying 🙃

  • Glenn1972
    Glenn1972 Posts: 16,650

    @Trimper ,

    Try these trouble shooting tips. I feel you Kindle Fire should allow you to send lives and more

    Standard trouble shooting by log out, update your game application, restart your device and login, if playing through browser please clear cache/ history. And login again.

    I have included a link below just for some future reference

  • Lindark
    Lindark Posts: 5,713

    There are some differences between devices. Not sure if that's the issue here, though.

  • Trimper
    Trimper Posts: 8

    Level 2

    Well…. it seems that I’m experiencing this fantastic Crush game & all the bugs that come with it😂😂

    Thanks @Glenn1972 for sending a link that helped. Kinda🙃

    I followed the trouble shooting tips & did the ‘check your app’s up to date’ (yes, updated last week) & restarted my device. Then I go & log out; now my Event thingies are gone when I log in again 🤦‍♀️ haha

    It did give me a chance to play a level & when I didn’t win, I was able to see what y’all mean by easily being gifted or receiving life. Like @Alienscar screencapture 😊 However, this is not an option when signed into me game lol

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