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Re: Fantastic Five points

andifriman Posts: 6 Level 2

My name is Gary. I'm have number 83 under my name. I won my last game in 3rd place. I'm on team Muhi in the Fantastic Five. This morning I won 6 levels and 2 of the games were gold (on my 1st try).. On all my games I got sugar stars and other things for extra points. Only 1 other player (Khan) has 335 points. On all the games I won I got no points. The rest of the team has 0 points. So what's the point of using my boosters to win a game if I don't get any points and this 1 guy keeps winning points and the boosters that go along with it. This has been going on for a long time and it's very frustrating but there is nobody to talk to.


  • kiara_wael
    kiara_wael Posts: 148,708 Candy Moderator

    Hi and Welcome to the King Community

    There has been a graph issue that is making people believe they have reached 7000 points but when scores added up they do not come to 7000. We would really need a screenshot of the fantastic 5 graph to be sure. All you can do is contact customer support from your game or by the contact us at bottom of page and explain your issue.

  • Lindark
    Lindark Posts: 5,681 Sweet Legend

    Hi, sorry to hear you are having trouble with this feature :( It seems a number of people area. That being said, you should still be able to claim rewards even if your friends are getting points for you and you aren't!

  • andifriman
    andifriman Posts: 6 Level 2

    I came from behind, was the last person to finish our race but I won 15 levels and won 15 gold bars for coming in 1st place on the next race. My name is Gary 86 & I'm on Team Muhi on the Fantastic Five. I got only 10 points for winning the whole race but khan had 1435 and Baris had 310 points. How does he possibly get 1435 points and I only get 10. In every game they are the only 2 players to get points. The rest of us all have 0. How do I win any booster?

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?