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Why is there 99+ on my boosters.

babyruth Posts: 14

Level 2

On level 3786. There’s 99+ on my boosters. What does this mean? Should I be using my boosters? Will it go away?

Best Answer

  • Thunder946
    Thunder946 Posts: 26

    Level 3

    Answer ✓

    CC is now numbering your boosters up to 99. If you have more then 100 they identify by 99+.


  • Glenn1972
    Glenn1972 Posts: 16,650

    Hello @babyruth , Welcome to the King Community!

    Try a simple restart of your device first - and if you can, please provide a screenshot of that please so we can see what has happened.

    You can also do some troubleshooting steps HERE?

  • babyruth
    babyruth Posts: 14

    Level 2


  • Thunder946
    Thunder946 Posts: 26

    Level 3

    Answer ✓

    CC is now numbering your boosters up to 99. If you have more then 100 they identify by 99+.

  • Glenn1972
    Glenn1972 Posts: 16,650

    Hi @babyruth ,

    I think @Thunder946 may have the correct answer for you

    This is may be something new as my old device was giving a total count which exceeded the 100's

    I don't store many boosters in my new device as boosters can quickly be lost if something goes wrong

    Thank you for providing us with a screenshot that we all can learn from

    I will check my old device to see if I have the 99+ on my booster count there

    Thanks, both of you

  • babyruth
    babyruth Posts: 14

    Level 2

    Thank you Thunder946. I appreciate the help

  • geln77
    geln77 Posts: 60

    Level 3

    So How many boosters do I have? How can I accurately keep track of them? I've watched hundreds of advertisements to earn boosters and King was paid by advertisers to do so. Why on earth would I watch any more ads for boosters that are *maybe going into an invisible booster wallet somewhere*...I know the reason is that you're more likely to use your boosters and not "hoard" them if they're just a big number in theory -like 99+ ..but by making my booster count invisible to me you're also removing my incentive to watch any ad ever again..I can't just take your word for it that "trust me it's there"'s why I read my bank and credit card statements.

  • kiara_wael
    kiara_wael Posts: 159,869

    Hi and Welcome to the King Community

    Yes i saw today Number of booster changed. will pass your feedback to the game team. Thank you

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