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Why did you start playing Candy Crush Saga?



  • I have several autoimmune diseases that ultimately ended in me no longer being able to work or physically care for my family or myself for that matter. Candy Crush Saga & Slotomania were my keep my mind preoccupied from being so depressed about my situation that I was actually suicidal...sending a big huge thanks to God and everyone that has anything to do with the creation and daily inner workings of Candy Crush Saga & Slotomania!!! #morethanagame #depressionisreal

  • rayzor77
    rayzor77 Posts: 2

    Level 1

    I first saw a friend play it like 10yrs ago in I immediately loved it, I first played it on Facebook before downloading it in have loved playing since ,❤️🎁

  • Nancyrcollins
    Nancyrcollins Posts: 12

    Level 2

    My sister and niece were playing it and got me started playing it. Now I’m addicted. I love the challenge that some of the levels give me. They kick my butt. I have to figure it out. It takes me away from stress. I absolutely love this game and try to get others to play it too..

  • yenL
    yenL Posts: 2

    Level 1

    i started playing candy crush saga when it was first launched in 2012- almost 10 years!

  • awwni
    awwni Posts: 69

    Started around the same time

  • younggold
    younggold Posts: 6

    Level 2

    My friend kept bugging me to send her a She loves the game so much she convinced me to give it a try and the next thing you know I am dedicated to playing!!

  • arbakam530
    arbakam530 Posts: 1

    Level 1

    Bunå vå salut pe toti jucåtori de pe acest sait sunt nou cum ati fost fiecare dintre voi cind ati inceput acest joc da vå doresc mult succes .

  • When I was pregnant with my youngest son which wasn't that long ago I got put on bedrest because I gained 100lbs in just like a 3 month time span Well I had nothing to Do so I downloaded Candy Crush Blossom Blast Bubble With 3 and Pyramid Solitaire Saga and I got addicted to Candy Crush I started playing Candy Crush in August and I'm at level 1108 so between bedrest and now insomnia I play candy crush like it's going out of style

  • Ab11
    Ab11 Posts: 1

    Level 1

    well lets just say my girlfriend and I loves playing together and competing

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