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Feedback on levels 11 016 - 11 060!



  • @Alienscar, I did and it worked for me. I eventually got tired of playing Level 11 000, but in the end I completed it.

  • Michael-6
    Michael-6 Posts: 987

    Very much hoping they don't tweak the season pass for next week. Helps to go into the levels fully stocked up!

    FAO any designers:


    carry on!

  • Scooterpie
    Scooterpie Posts: 6,698

    Oh Yeah! "Powers that be/candy gods" looks like things have much improved here....

    Keep it up up!

    @Boybinary great to see you right here my friend!

    Not going to start episode 2 till later this afternoon. Work it, work it? We'll see...

  • Scooterpie
    Scooterpie Posts: 6,698

    Okay so I started the 2nd episode and there was no episode race. So I played a level and then closed the app. Reopened the app, no race, played a level and then closed the app. Did the same a 3rd time and then stopped playing for an hour and did interpretive dance/aerobics and returned to open CCS again for the 4th time. Behold, there it was the episode race and I won! Does this mean anything, I dunno?

    I am still a bird but first I appeared as my Facebook picture icon, I am signed in with my King account my so my picture icon should be the little bear. I collected the prize, shut down the CCS Win 10 app and then reopened it. I then appeared as the bird icon and collected the 25 bars of gold for the 2nd time??? Nice glitch!

    Really enjoyed Level 11031. Had a full Candy Necklace and used a Coconut Wheel Booster. My board started out with 2 Coconut Wheels one to the left side of the board and the other on the right side of the board. Made 2 moves and got another Coconut Wheel to fall right on top of the one on the left of the board. Combined them together, it was magic!

    Love the Coconut Wheels but there are exceptions.

  • Boybinary
    Boybinary Posts: 3,081

    I think they gave you mine! I havent seen an episode race in a good while.

  • GraceKung
    GraceKung Posts: 67

    Level 3

    I completed 45 levels yesterday. I got ER in episode 1 and I won 25 gold bars. Surprisingly I won first place at Sam's Streak and got a party booster. But I haven't had a season pass for weeks. In any case, this week is a pleasant one, and one cannot be too greedy.

  • @GraceKung, you are so lucky. With only 45 levels, it is difficult to stay ahead of the pack.

    I suppose it is who you get teamed up with. I have only won it once and that was weeks back. Still have the Party Booster.

    KING must be floating 10 miles high this week with all the positive comments.

  • Albert_Heinrich
    Albert_Heinrich Posts: 2,619
    edited January 2022

    @Scooterpie, did you ever get this

    In all my playing days it happened only on two occasions for me.

    Looking at it now, looks like a pair eyes staring at me, LoL

  • Scooterpie
    Scooterpie Posts: 6,698

    @Albert_Heinrich yes, yes, yes! That is exactly what I am a talking about. Coconut Wheels were aligned vertically this time though, basically same deal. Love it, love it! I try to make it happen when I can. This time it just a happened.

    Endorphin Rush!

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