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Can you reset your Candy Crush to the level 1?

brendamitchell72 Posts: 1 Newbie

I messed up my Aunts Candy Crush when I was playing at her house one day. She want's me to reset her game back to level one because when I played on her computer I somehow managed to get her tied with me. She was in the 40s and I'm in the 400s. So basically I need to know how to reset the game. Thank you


  • Wunderbaum
    Wunderbaum Posts: 4,398 Level 5

    Hi Brenda!

    You can reset the game on the tablet by un-installing the game, reboot the tablet then re-install it again.

    Please notice that if you connect the game to Facebook then the progress will be synced from there. Please ask your aunt if her levels are correct on Facebook - if yes, then all you'll need to do is to connect her tablet to her Facebook account and she'll be back at level 40.

    Cheers :-)

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