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Feedback on levels 11 376 - 11 420!



  • Peter_Tornaros
    Peter_Tornaros Posts: 2,209

    @Michael-6 "So, what will we do this week?" What they are doing this week is introducing a new blocker 🤬

  • Idk why they also have such a problem withv6 colored levels. They wiped nearly all of them from the game in 2019, and we rarely ever see them anymore. They then wiped all the six colored levels early on as well. I'm just in plain shock at how far they go to make every level have a billion cascades. It doesn't help the level whatsoever. Hopefully in 2023 this game gets some MAJOR changes for the better. Microsoft will acquire activision then.

  • Michael-6
    Michael-6 Posts: 987

    Good, good. There just aren't enough blockers in the game at the moment! If often find myself looking at a level with eleventy billion layers of frosting and swirls and thinking "if only it had a few more blockers".

  • ellectra
    ellectra Posts: 295

    Late to the party (mobile player). First level was nice! Stuck on the 2nd already. I just find it so disheartening to open and level and see a ton of blockers/orders and 20 moves. Because i know it means at best waiting for a lucky board and at worst building up moves until you have to use gold bars. Miss the days when the game was challenging but fun.

  • vosawrubuml
    vosawrubuml Posts: 4

    Level 1

    Level 11380 is impossible. 18 moves, 225 jelly and no way to collect the 5 red keys. The videos from when these levels were first introduced had 30 moves and still could only do it with a full necklace. I don't think buying 30 more lives will do it. I don't mind hard levels but levels that are so hard that you may not be able to win with an extra 30 lives are so frustrating that the game isn't fun anymore.

  • GordyF
    GordyF Posts: 191

    On 11380 now ....

    Boring and impossible.

    What are these so called designers getting paid for?

  • vosawrubuml
    vosawrubuml Posts: 4

    Level 1

    In the videos, color bombs collect the red keys but that isn't working. Unless you can start with 2 color bombs or have 5 hammers, it isn't possible.

  • ellectra
    ellectra Posts: 295

    I see none of us got far. I used a ufo on 377 but still needed gold bars to complete it. 378 and 379 were easy/fun. And 380 just sucks, absolutely no way with 18 moves. I think eventually they will increase the moves to 23 or 25, and then mark it as a hard level. I'm in quarantine and have all the time in the world so was nice to have new levels to play, but my enthusiasm disappeared fast. Ugh. Frustrating. Being at the top of the map used to be fun.

  • GordyF
    GordyF Posts: 191

    The colour bombs on the level I'm playing do take out the keys but only one at a time.

    Have only managed 3 keys up till now.

    A double colour bomb would be nice but I don't have that luxury, Even then ???

  • GordyF
    GordyF Posts: 191

    Watched the YouTube video... 35 moves and a fortunate pair up of colour bombs to take out the keys.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?