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Feedback on levels 11 421 - 11 465!



  • slly2216
    slly2216 Posts: 45

    Level 3

    Level 11441 with 19 moves ??..freaking crazy

  • slly2216
    slly2216 Posts: 45

    Level 3

    Why do others get 30 moves for 11441 while I only have 19 moves

  • ellectra
    ellectra Posts: 295

    This feels like a collection of levels designed as punishment not entertainment.

    I don't know which one it was but one level in the 3rd episode ended up costing me 70 gold bars (out of the 120 i had in total). After several attempts and having already played for 30 extra moves on some of the previous levels i was fed up. So i got a decent board and looked like i was getting close with 10 moves to go so i bought a ufo. Which didn't go where it was supposed to. But i was still close so i went for 5 extra moves. Wasn't enough because nothing on the board was going right and with 3 jellies left i snapped and bought another ufo which hit the 2 jellies but not the 3rd one. So i figured after spending 50 gold bars i might as well spend another 20, bought lollipops and hammered out the last one.

    2 levels later i was greeted by another board with 20 moves that needs at least another 20 and i am out of boosters and with a handful of gold bars and am finally, finally ready to quit.

    This was probably the worst collection of levels i have ever seen and that's saying something after the last few months. If i hadn't won the party booster i would still have been playing the one with a bajillion toffee swirls. What a nightmare.

  • Spieler_8675309
    Spieler_8675309 Posts: 4,308
    edited April 2022


    Perhaps it can be called punish-tainment (maybe someone can copyright that one).

    © ℗ ® ℠ ™ © ℗ ® ℠ ™ © ℗ ® ℠ ™

    But anyone in a similar situation must play lower levels (for the side games) & collect those royalty points to be better equipped for these kinds of levels.

    They must also hope & pray that these boards don't get buffed (even more than they are already).

    What's given to you with one hand (GBs) is immediately snatched away with the other...

  • Carol-38
    Carol-38 Posts: 12,222

    I agree with you 100%. Many a time Ellectra I started to put feedback on this latest lot but couldn't be bothered. The first episode was a nightmare one Super Hard level followed by another. Now on the second episode and stuck on another - what King call- Nightmarishly Hard Level. Given up for now, the fun has gone completely. At least they are finally showing the level difficulty, but to have Super Hard after Nightmarishly Hard time and time again is sooooo boring. Even the ones not shown with any difficulties are senseless, there's no skill required whatsoever. You just pass if you get a lucky board or use many boosters. I've also just got the Episode Race back but again I will be in the last three and get one gold bar on every episode.

  • Michael-6
    Michael-6 Posts: 987

    These levels, mainly in the second and third episodes were absolutely appalling when released 2 weeks ago. It's staggering King felt the need to make them even harder.

    They really are a bunch of heartless thieves.

    Just remember though, they definitely listen to the feedback in these threads. Somehow they just plain old missed all the posts stating the levels were awful and far too hard.

  • Carol-38
    Carol-38 Posts: 12,222

    Episode 1 was bad enough. Only on 3rd level of 2nd episode, I will keep going but there's no fun is there when you know you have to keep slogging away on a level just to accumulate extra moves then use 10 gold. I'm being as careful as I can with my gold as at the end of each episode I get the Fantastic amount of 1.

  • Carol-38
    Carol-38 Posts: 12,222

    King you really are making the game more boring and unplayable. What is it with so many levels being Hard - Super Hard - Nightmarishly Hard one after the other. Most of us at the higher levels have been playing since the release of the game in 2012 and I can tell you it used to be fun. Gone are the days where we had to think about what needed to be done to pass. No strategy required, it's just obvious now that we can't pass unless we play the level time and time again just to accumulate extra moves then use gold bars. We'll it's soul destroying playing the same boring level 50 plus times knowing your not going to pass until you have the extra moves and hopefully gold bars. Then to get to next level and repeat the same boring procedure.

    Completed episode 11421 to 11435 which was bad enough. Now on level 11438 which will take forever and heard the rest of the episode and the following episode are worse.

    Give us a break and get someone your end to play what you change. They can then give you feedback that maybe someone will listen to because you are not listening to us.

    Thank you

  • Simba1965
    Simba1965 Posts: 15

    Level 2

    level 11441 is again with 19 moves impossible to pass, as usual game is not fair for people that play on the phone, so sad that such a great game that use to be so much fun, now is so unfair and so greedy

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